BEEP BEEP BEEP BE*click* Flint flicked the alarm clock off at his side as he slowly sat up, stretching outwards and yawning loudly before sighing and getting out of the bed. He looked to his cupboard and removed some jeans, suspenders and a red flannel shirt. Quickly slipping them on with some clean underwear. He walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, and from there into the kitchen, the small house meant they where practically the same room except with a small wooden divider. Flint began to make some toast as he flicked open a map of a patch of the forest, small red x's where next to some of the trees and Flint began planning his route for the day. He had marked the trees the day before with tape so today he planned to cut at least a few if not all of them down before sun down. Finishing his toast Flint brushed his teeth then put on his large coat and grabbed his wallet, phone and keys from the side. Strolling outside and to his white truck, he opened the door and got in and with a quick turn of the keys, the beast was brought to life. He seemed to be running out of Gas though and so turning out of his small gravel driveway , he began the small journey to the gas station, luckily it was close to the logging mill and so he would be able to quickly fill his tank before he grabbed his gear. It wasn't long until Flint was at the gas station parking up and filling his large tank of petrol. When finished he walked into the store, grabbing a newspaper and a can of coke before walking to the young male Cashier, he had seen many times. Flint knew his name but nothing else really, but that's just the way Flint was. "Number 2 and these" Flint said to Rory saying aloud the pump number and handing over the coke and newspaper that he got nearly everyday, as he removed his wallet from his pocket and handed over the bills.