Jason waded through the 717th. They showed in force today. The boy saw a Jedi knight and clone commando squad. Seemed like something he would want to be apart of. As the boy approached the two groups talking, her checked that his rifle was working nicely. He had a feeling that he was going to need it rather soon and figured it couldn't hurt to have it working. Jason figured that a at least the Jedi knight would know of him, he was pretty infamous at the temple for his strong rebellious streak. As well as the fact that he carried a gun and explosives with him as well as a saber. He silently stood to the side of the knight as the introductions were made. Then after they all stopped, bowed to the knight and offered the customary greeting. "I hope you wouldn't mind me taging along for this op? The temple still hasn't signed me a new mentor yet after the death of matter Li." He said to the man who had introduced himself as isaac. Jason then turned to the commando squad. "Nice Deecee's. They the interchangeable or standard variant?" He asked before quickly adding. "My bad, I should introduce myself. Padawan Jason Veritars. Pleased to meet you all." He says to the squad. He honestly hoped that the knight here would let him rage along for that mission considering that Jason was m much more comfortable with a commando squad than just normal troopers. He felt the commandos were much more efficient and at least when they shirt they could hit the broad side of a barn.