Giuseppe sat with Aria perched on his arm, listening to the speech being given. After it was over, which was fairly quickly, Giuseppe waited until his row was dismissed. In the meantime, he would play with Aria a little bit, smiling. It was odd, because the people who had introduced them had said that she was almost a newborn, but she was bigger than any bird he'd ever seen, fully grown! Then again, Aria is a member of a magical species of birds, called Winged Tempests. He thought it was so cool, that Aria was his Familiar. Their lives are bound together for eternity, and if one of them dies, they both die. In the middle of his playing with Aria, Giuseppe heard his row being called. He would stop playing with Aria for now and stand, taking his guitar case and putting it around his shoulder. He then would get his luggage bag and carry it in hand, walking out of the lunchroom and to where they were being given their basic necessities. "Alighieri, Giuseppe," he said to the woman who was supposed to bestow the package to him. "Oh, like Dante? Author of the Divine Comedy?" This made Giuseppe grin and nod. "Durante degli Alighieri, sì." When the woman handed him the package, more like an envelope, Giuseppe said, "Grazie mille!" And would step away so the next person in line could get theirs. When Giuseppe found a comfortable place to stand, he set his luggage bag down and would move Aria to his shoulder before opening the envelope. Inside was a map, room key, pamphlet, and et cetera. Giuseppe smiled and would reach over his shoulder, petting Aria affectionately. Giuseppe was an affectionate, sweet person. He liked being nice to people. It made others, and himself, all very happy. "Where should we go first?," he asked Aria, anticipating a reply, oddly. It was even more odd when he received a reply, a voice inside of his head. [I]"I want to go to the room,"[/I] she said. Giuseppe would put two and two together and realized that it was Aria. He nodded and would walk to their room, up a flight of stairs to the correct floor. Upon entry, Giuseppe would look around and smile. It was fairly big, bigger than his bedroom back home. He just hoped he would not get lost in it on his first day. He trusted his room navigation skills, though. He would walk over to the beds, seeing he had a roommate who would most likely be here soon. As courtesy, he would let his roommate, who was named Eli, as said by the package, pick which side he wanted, setting his luggage down in a safe place. He would then take a look around. he noticed that there was a bathroom, which was really nice and clean, as well as convenient. Giuseppe liked being squeaky clean. After his little mini-tour, he would take a seat somewhere and play with Aria more.