[quote=akje] What do you mean I didn't give you chance to react? Weiss warns Magnum he's going to get creative, Magnum replies with a declaration of Ashley being gone, Weiss attacks. You react.That's how it is supposed to go. But you shouldn't jump in, attack then jump away without giving weiss a chance to react to that.You don't do the same.The difference: my posts are opens attacks, I don't write about the direct damage to you, from time to time I'll post my character's expectations of the results of his actions. But those are in the end up to you. Sadly you usually use this to say "nothing whatsoever happens and my character laughs at you" which was annoying, now its just starting to get boring. That's why Weiss is targeting Magnums stuff, he is desperate to just hurt the bastard.Your post are extremely invasive. When your character makes an attack you describe the attack, the result, taken control of other characters multiple times, and then teleport away before I get to react.And the acid rain and filth didn't come from nowhere, it's from the 3rd layer. Magnum put that idea in his head. And rain is something he'd done before so it's stated that he could.Everything Weiss does is built on what happened in the story so far. Have you ever heard of ? It makes for much better narrative if the story makes sense, and abilities don't come dancing out of plot holes, like Magnum's teleportation and warding abilities. [/quote] He said that she left, and he wanted her, which he told her that she wasn't there, and you dissolved the house in one post aka NO REACTION TIME...