[B]BigBrother[/b] Before the organic female had even spoken, he secured the harbinger to his lower back. He was grabbing magazines of ammo from the locker, and several explosive, his metal fingers quickly grabbed two. P.A.C s350's sliding them into holesters positioned on his mid section, along side the holester was room for four clips. He filled all eight, and quickly moved on to the Knuckle Buster, he had room for three clips then he was full up. He took two regular, and one explosive magazine. By the time he was checking weapons she responded. [I]"Identify yourself!" [/i]Sid knew there was no need. She could trace, track and find out who or what he was. Then came the follow up statement [I]"Bring me Jack Then alive, and I will make you a rich mercenary." [/i]He had no need for credits, as be had no need for food or drink. If he needed something he took it. But that was useless information to her. He spoke a single word before BigBrother broke comma [I]"Roger" [/I] [I]"BigBrother, give the schematic of the building, and closest best evacuation routs from the 44th floor."[/I] big brother began adjusting their position moving towards the 39th floor. There was little commotion on this floor for the time being. Sid moved to the back of the craft, his metallic fingers gripping a dead corpse that was strewn across the deck. He dropped him near the exit and went back to the weapon locker grabbing a long nylon laid rappelling rope, and the THD R78, he hoisted the weapon to his shoulder while carrying the Rope with the Knuckle Duster. He set the two weapons down and clipped the man to the rope, and then the rope to big brother. He popped the ramp lever to lower, and soon a gust of air blew in. Then quickly gathered his gear. [I]"Crewman Sid, I am loading current data on jack thegn."[/I] in a fraction of a second Sid knew all he needed to know except his current position. [I]"Monitor all incoming and out going ships, make sure if target acquires transportation, immediate evac."[/I] Sid lifted the 200lb man with ease, he waited till BigBrother stopped, then he projectiled the man through the air, his body smashing through the thick construction glass. Sid quickly zip lined down, and promptly landed on the mans broken body, there were several shreaks and screams. Checking the map, he had landed himself into a organics residents. It didn't matter, he squeezed off a round from The knuckle Buster, the explosive ordinance parted the door, it was left bent and mangled, he side stepped through and made his way towards a court yard. Having calculated all the possible scenarios it was either the court yard or a make shift extraction through the side of building those were the two most logical scenarios. [B]Project Tower[/b] To his left, a man came at Sid brandishing a knife, mistaking him for an organic. His audio sensor picked up the sounds of his boots on the metal deck. He rotated quickly giving him a chest full of explosives. His organic matter painting the passage way and Sid. Hefting the missle launcher to his shoulder he blew out the end of the pway. Bits of debris bounced off of SIDS cloak. He dropped the weapon and moved on. His audio sensors adjusted again, the gentle moans of the wounded echoed through out the room. He passed through this section with little trouble occasionally some one would get brave enough to charge him and get shredded. Finnaly making it to the second check point, a large common area with some shops and what ever else organics needed. Finally he found some resistance. Sid took cover behind a pillar, their suppressing fire was impressive, but also a foolish mistake, as soon as they stopped to reload, Sid popped around the corner, KB exploded bits and pieces off of their hidding places, 22shells left before reload. A man popped up and was blown away his matter covering his friends. He slowly made his way closer pumping a couple more shells into their hiding location. 18 shells left before reload. Then another popped up. 10 combatents left. They had learned their lesson. And soon began their retreat for better cover, Nine jumped up from the cover of the fountain and began to flee. Sid managed to take the legs out from one and ripp another's arm off they both fell. He smoked out the last one hiding, the man stood up holding his face, the shratenal had blinded him. For good measure he put another through him. 13 shells, 7 combatants left. Soon bullets were flying all around Sid, he dove into the now battered fountain, it had been dry for ages as the ground was full of garbage. He crawled forward bullets chipping bits of plaster and concrete from his hiding place. He waited for the lull in shooting and then exchanged fire. They had picked a good spot. It was a concrete pavilion providing great cover. 9 shells left. A loud pinging was picked up from his audio sensor, his shoulder plate had taken a round it hit nothing vital but left a small dent. He rotated positions and fired upon the elivated sniper. His platform gave way and he fell several feet. Momentarily out of the fight. 8 combatents now. Another hail of bullets exploded around him as he took cover. He quickly calculated the odds of a sprint for cover. Death 35% Wounded but battle operational 35% Wounded but not battle operational 20% unharmed 10% Then another lull and he opens fire, pumping all eight of his explosive shells into their pavilion. He had damaged the wall they hid behind. As small holes bagn to appear each explosion knocking more concrete off. 0 Shells, reload. The robotic ducked, dropping the spent clip he loaded another, regular shells. He reached to his waist and pulled out a frag grenade, priming it with his thumb he exposed himself for a mere second fast balling it into their hiding hole. A moment went by and all the men scrambled out he mowed them down, the buck shot ripping into their tender flesh. Then the explosion smoked those who were left inside. The man who had fell was up and running. Out of range. 1 combatents, 40 shells, one frag grenade. Odds of mob returning 87% Sid picked up the pace he began a slow trot staying semi crouched, making his way across he found another pway and ducked In to it. There would be one more place that they could truely overtake sid, a small residential area up ahead. He began a sprint his feet loudly banging against the metal floor. He passed the first couple houses no problem. A bullet managed to catch Sid across the thigh tearing open his armor, a flesh wound Danny would call it. He dropped to a crouch and turned at the same time. His programing caused him to blast the target before his optics could pick up the enemy. There lay a child of about 16. Blonde hair, freckles. [I]"Danny?"[/I] Sid stood and moved to investigate. Blood was oozing from his belly he looked unconscious. Then the hysterical screams of a woman came, she ran into the street right towards him, he quickly dispatched her. Then an older organic came, and another. Soon they were pouring out from every corner with blunt objects or nothing at all. He fired into crowd knowing the dangers of a mob. He continued to providencocer fire while dragging the youth. When the moment came he threw him onto his shoulders. And began to fall back. His optical sensors almost couldn't handle the amount of people coming at him and Danny. He used his shotgun to ward them off. Shooting one here or there. The youth was still alive but barely. There were flaming bottles now being hurled at him. One such bottle exploded at his feet. He managed to protect The boy he thought was Danny, but it had slightly burnt his armor. Only slight damage. 200+ combatents, 7 shells, one wounded. Superficial damage sustained. All systems operational. Blam, blam. He fired into the crowd. Now his only hope was evac at the court yard. They had started showing up with guns. Firing wildly into the air. The court yard entrance was close but not close enough. Bullet caught his back plate. Armor damaged. A man appeared in front of him, his eyes were wild not that Sid could tell. The only thing he could tell apart was he showed no fear. He lunged at Sid and managed to plunge the knife into between armor plating. Hydraulic leak, left leg, left arm. Hydraulic lock in 1hr 37m 23s. The barrel of the gun pressed to his chest, he used the full auto capabilities, and the man dissapeared before his optical sensors. Finally managing to get into the pway to the court yard he dropped his weapon and Danny, using both hands he grabbed hold of the heavy doors and began to slowly pull them together. The strain caused hyd to spray from his stab wound still Sid forced the doors shut, using the KB he barred the door, drawing one of his pistols. 1hr 05min 59s remain before hydraulic lock. He picked the male up and continued down the corridor. He could hear the banging on the door behind him. They'd be through soon. Before he left the tunnel he left a few Shinners along the ground, each one wrapped in the HE composite, tripling their potency. He managed to finally get too the courtyard. [I]"BigBrother,Sid"[/I] [I]"Go. Crewman Sid"[/I] [I]"Medevac, one wounded organic."[/I] [I]"Crewman Sid, no signs of organic life,,Do you still require medevac?"[/I] Sid set the boy down, the glitch he had experienced resolved itself. It wasn't Danny. His skin too pale, eyes too far apart. His facial structure didn't match at all. Sid had never noticed that the organic child had been riddled with bullets as they attempted their escape. He scanned the now deceased body. [I]"cancel the medevac. Keep posted on the were abouts of incoming mobs. And location of target. "[/I] down the pway he had come the sound of several large explosions echoed and following that smoke and dust erupted from the tunnel. He placed the boy inside a disposel shoote, and holstered the pistol drawing the harbinger. Taking refuge inside of a small air grate, he had the view of the landing spot and the only other two entrances while being totally concealed.