"General Sebantyne, we're all set." Sly said as he straightened his back up and stepped away from a console. "How long do we have?" Tsebar replied. "We'll be directly between the two cruisers within five minutes. I estimate we will make contact with the Capital ship within seven." "May the Force embrace them..." Tsebar said softly as his eyes drank of the flashing lights of combat. He closed them and turned from the view port. "Grab the crew. There will be enough death today...no need to add them to the lissst. The good Captain will escort uz to the hanger." "What about the droids on the way, sir?" Rock asked as he hoisted an unconscious crew member onto his pauldron. "With any luck they'll listen to their commanding officer. Thisss one hopes, at least." "Might I suggest we sound the evacuation alarm?" Siix interjected as he slung his rifle over his back and lifted a crewman of his own. "I believe it would generate the confusion we need to escape without any hurdles, Sir." "Exzellent idea, Siix." Tsebar smiled. "Sly, we move on your mark." Sly nodded as he accessed the system's control interface once more. In a few seconds he had the alarm protocols queued and was ready to trip them. "Three...two...one...mark!" Sly shouted and, immediately, the alarm system began to bellow throughout the halls. Tsebar and the troopers, along with their unconscious payloads, took off in a hurry. The command deck's doors slid open with a hiss, revealing a corridor filled with confused droids and personnel. Tsebar had a firm grip on the Captain's shoulder as they ran, continuing to perform his mind trick as they went. "All personel are to evacuate the ship! The guidance computer has been compromised by the Republic!" The Captain yelled as the group passed droid and soldier alike - none of which reacted to the sight of Clone Troopers kindly. "I...don't think they're buying it, Sir!" Sly whispered with an elevated sound of urgency as the droids began to arm their weapons in a wave of clicks whirs down the length of the hall. The living crew, on the other hand, were more interested in preserving their lives and were running with the fleeing group. This was a blessing as it made the droids hesitate to shoot since they did not want to strike their operators. The group a long with a hefty number of personnel made it to the large lift at the end of the corridor and Sly began queuing it up. "ETA on the lift, Sly." Siix requested with a raised voice as he armed his blaster rifle. "When it gets here, Sir," Sly responded sarcastically as he slid his rifle bandolier around and grasped his rifle. "It's departing the bottom level now, should be no more than twenty seconds." "Next time without the lip." Siix responded, raising his sight to eye level. There was a snap-hiss to his right and a soft orange glow reflected off the right side of his armor. "Letz be honezt, Siiix...you kind of had it coming," Tsebar chuckled half-heartedly as he brandished his half-ignited lightstaff. He released his grip on the Captain, who stumbled forward in a daze. "W-What's going on?" The Captain demanded, though it started as a mumble. He heard the hum emanating from Tsebar's weapon and turned around, and then up. The massive Jedi had to be at least a foot and a half taller than he was, and he was looking over and past him. "Thiz one thinkz it to be in your bezt interezt to get behind him." Tsebar suggested, calmly, before taking a step forward and igniting the second half of his staff. The droids were approaching and it didn't seem like they were interested in holding fire any longer. This was bad, as the circumstances put the Krayt Corps, Tsebar and the fleeing crew at the business end of a shooting gallery. The squad of B1's had their weapons trained on the team and began demanding their surrender. "Leave it to droidz to not underztand the gravity of a sssituation." Tsebar mumbled. Suddenly the ship began to quake, which could only mean one thing - the weapon batteries had began their programmed assault routine and the targeted vessels were returning fire. The lights flickered as, outside, turbolasers erupted from port and starboard, lashing the two cruisers on either side. Tendrils of flame spewed from the hulls of the ships as they began venting atmosphere. The return fire would not be as impressive, as the Revenant's surprise volley had taken out a large swath of gun batteries on the targeted vessels. The lights flickered once more and the floor beneath the troopers and droids jarred suddenly, knocking the droids off balance. A proton torpedo had struck the port side, and Tsebar was not going to let it's impact be for naught. The Barabel Jedi raced forward in a burst of Force Speed, his lightstaff humming as he spun it before bringing it down uppon the shoulder of a battle droid. Sparks erupted as he cleaved the droid, leaving a smouldering gash as the droid's arm clanged upon the floor. Tsebar spun, pivoting on his right heel as he eviscerated two droids, their internal components scattering with a spray of sparks across the durasteel panels on which they stood. Gaining momentum, Tsebar bashed a droid's head with his tail before lifting off the ground in a vertical spin. His staff becoming an orange wheel of death with Tsebar as the bearing, he lobotomized the next two droids in his path. The Krayt Corps, not to be outdone, began opening fire as soon as Tsebar landed behind the group of confounded droids. Their hail of blaster fire punched into the droids again and again, making Swiss cheese out of their meager armor plating. As the droids crumbled to the ground, Tsebar walked through their burning remains as his blades retracted with a hiss. The crew of the ship now understood the situation they were in and, though angry, would comply without resistance for now. Tsebar smiled as the lift dinged, signalling it's arrival. "There's our ride!" Sly announced, matter-o-factually. Commander Siix slapped him on the back of his helmet as he walked past. "What?" He questioned, innocently. The group could feel the ship beginning to accelerate as they rode the lift down the the hanger bay level. They had maybe three minutes once the doors opened to secure a craft and escape. Sly had only programmed the ship to accelerate enough to disable the ship on impact. In theory any way. Either way, such rendezvous would result in the ships within the hangar bay being thrown asunder. They needed to move fast. "If all of you want to make it off of this vezzel, thiz one recommends you listen to what thiz one sayz." Tsebar spoke up just as the lift began to slow. "Thisss vessel is going to strike another in three minutez. Board a ssshuttle and leave the Revenant behind." As if it were timed to be so, the doors slid open just as Tsebar finished speaking. The crew spilled out into the hanger before Tsebar and his team did so themselves. "General Sebantyne, by now the CIS will be on to us." Siix said as he and the others began to race away from the lift towards the docked ships. "True...but they won't know what we are up to after the ssships collide," Tsebar responded as he ran. "We shall take thossse Belbullabs ahead of us. This one has one more surprize in store for our friendz..."