2 Aravan sat quietly in the cell. It was musty smelling to say the least, and the moisture in the room bred a fungus that made the mustiness even more powerful. He thought for a while about how he'd gotten into this situation. He'd only entered a part of the capital that was gated, and he didn't think that was such a big deal, though the moment anyone even seen the ratty dressed young man, there was a rush to chase him down, and he didn't even have a chance. So here he was, sitting in a cell, not saying a word. In fact, since he'd been found on the campus, not a sound had escaped his lips. Even when he'd been interrogated after his arrest, he didn't have anything to say to the man who tried to build a profile of the newly interred prisoner. Perhaps if Aravan had a sense of humor, he'd have found it funny that he was listed in it as a 18 year old human. Truthfully, he was much older than that, even if his mindset was comparable to one. The sound of creaking could be heard from around a corner, though Aravan didn't respond to it at all. Doubtless just another guard with some stale bread and water for him to eat. Still, the sound of three sets of footsteps did pique the boy's curiosity, not that he would ever show it. "This is the boy, sir," the guard spoke to the other two. A woman who looked to be in her mid twenties nodded in response. "Thank you, officer," she spoke. "You may leave." The officer sighed and exited the room. "Headmaster," she continued. A tall figure wearing a crimson red velvet cloak, steps up next to the other woman, Aravan was unable to see the figures face due to the cloak that completely concealed what was underneath. There was a few moments of silence before the hooded figure inclided it's head, signalling for the first woman to leave the area and once she did, a small sigh could be heard. "Well then, I supposed an explaination is in order is it not?" a female voice said from within the shadow of the hood, "What exactly did you hope to find here that caused you to break into an institute of learning young demon?" Aravan blinked and looked up. He was shocked. There was something unsettling about this woman. All the records there cited him as a human, and the fact that his appearance was so humanlike had afforded him the ability to travel unimpeded, as the violent nature of his race had been easily overlooked. Still, the woman's words were jarring enough to finally make the young boy speak a single word: "How?" Though it could not be seen, when the woman spoke, a smile was evident in her voice, "Not much gets past me Aravan, you will learn not to be so surprised as time goes on. Now, come with me, I am sure you are hungry for real food as it seems the Guards have not heeded my requests to feed you properly. I will warn you though, should you try to run the conseqeunce will be unseemly." With that said, a slim pale hand appears from beneath the folds of the cloak, offered for him to take. Aravan's eyes widened. He was suddenly very frightened by the woman. His blue eyes seemed to shine in the darkness, showing his fear to anyone who could see it. His left hand tightened, clenching the rags on his leg. "Who told you that!?" He nearly shouted, his voice cracking. He'd never told anyone his name, and the fact that this woman knew it was frankly terrifying. It reminded him of a monster, something untrustworthy. For the first time since he'd turned 50, he feared for his life. "You have every right to be frightened, you have told no one your name and the fact that I know it unsettles you. I will tell you a secret very few people know of me, I am what is labled as a Warlock, a child of a Demon and a Human, something both rare and considered unnatural. Because of this strange mix, I have powers that assist me in knowing things that most people tell no one, what most people want to keep hidden. I know what is hidden in a person's heart of hearts. I also know that you, Aravan, are a Sage and need schooling." If it was possible, Aravan's eyes widened even more. Too much was going on for him to understand. He was shocked, he was frightened, he had no idea what was going on, and he was confused. He siezed up. For a time, he didn't even breathe. An eternity seemed to pass, and when the young man became woozy, he finally took a breath. He realized, finally, that he didn't have a choice in what was going on. This woman would get her way, whatever that was, and there was nothing Aravan would be able to do to change that. He finally calmed down. His eyes softened, resuming the dull expression he'd carried the entire time he'd been in the prison. He stood silently and walked up to the woman. He looked to the ground as if he were a dog that knew that it had disappointed his master. Again, he fell to his silence, following her wherever she was leading him. Truthfully, the boy had no idea what was coming. He didn't know what a Sage was, he didn't know what she meant by 'heart of hearts', or even what the woman meant by unnatural. For now, all he could do was follow, and let fate guide him ahead.