ermm well I [i]hope[/i] she's still accepting or posting my character will be pretty pointless... [hider=Miraj Qismat]Name: Miraj Qismat Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: Miraj comes from a collection of suburbadomes that encapsulate what was once Pakistan. His father proclaimed when Miraj would travel to Mecca (as ever Muslim should once in their life), no one would know his mother was Indian. His skin is toned like his Arabic father’s, thus lighter than most of the northern Indians. He tries to remember to keep his beard trimmed, but his hair is thick and dark. He wears a keffiyeh with a twisted rim most of the time, so you don’t notice how long his hair is. His nose hooked down before it was crushed under the hooves of a herd of GOA. Now it twists to one side and has the white mark of a old scar crossing from one side to the other. His brow is square and does well to protect his thin, brown eyes when the sun is at its zenith. He no longer has a pinkie on his right hand from when a GOA bit it off and, in the same stamped that broke his nose, Miraj suffered a compound fracture on his tibia. He walks with no limp, though, and still stands tall at six foot. He is of slighter build, but his shoulders can still carry an injured lamb or goat that wandered too far. Pack contents: Qu’ran, Oud, a knife, a collection of Rumi’s poems, and Kabir’s Bijak, water bladder, iodine, keffiyeh or ghutra Did you store anything in the cargo bay? Extra stings for his Oud, extra thobe and pajama or salwar kameez, his staff, his musahallah or prayer rug, shoes, a razor, bedroll and hammock Skills: Playing the Oud, reciting the Qu’ran, Reading animals and herding, whittling and carving wood, bartering and general diplomacy abilities Education: BAS in Religious Studies, but made a living through his trade. Primarily took care of sheep and goats, selling their goods at his stall in the bazaar. He, and several others, were recruited later to take care of genetically modified animals (GMA). He can speak Arabic, Urdu/Hindi, and English (due to his time at university). What was your reason for joining the colonists? A house is empty without a wife and child to fill it. How did you get get accepted? His overseer during Miraj work with GMA suggested him to the board along with two others. Their skills with reading animals have been singled out due to the lack of information on the fauna of Spera. Also, his credentials in religious studies made him a potential liaison for any “educated” lifeforms on Spera that scientists have yet to make contact with. What did you do before this? Miraj was a father and a husband, first. Second, a scholar and a imam (here meaning educated in sha’ria or Islamic law, weighs in on board meetings, and acted as liaison with other religious communities in that suburbadome) at his mosque. Lastly, he was considered a herder, a farmer, and merchant. He would often scout ahead of herds to direct them to different grazing grounds.[/hider]