Dorian nods in response to the young one's observation. [i]'Indeed, she is not related to me. It is good he recognizes that, however I find it odd that he did not first notice that she [b]does[/b] smell like him vaguely'[/i] He smirks at her accusations but chooses not to respond. Instead he relaxes into a more open stance. [i]'Do not want to scare her away. I am far older and stronger than she. I bet I could spook her quite easily should I wish it'[/i] When James begins snarling Dorian smiles but keeps his eyes on the woman. Bringing his fingers up he brushes them gently through his hair to try and calm him down a bit. [i]'I'd rather not he attack her, however he is good to recognize the threat she poses'[/i] Stroking his head a few more times he finally responds to her. “I am Dorian Alex Helvek, first class in the order of Darkra, of the Villius clan. I am an official investigator for the order and have myself come here to investigate the mass killings.” He watches closely as she tenses and stops her advance. [i]'Good. Be as obvious as you like little lady'[/i] “Since it is obvious you know not who I am nor why I am here I know you are not here under orders from a major clan, seeing as they keep up communications rather well. Though I could give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you were sent out before receiving word of my involvement in this case?” Her mouth opens and closes a few times, his rather direct attitude throwing her off a bit. Instead of waiting for her answer he continues. “As for this Little One, he is indeed rather feral at the moment, his training stunted due to his abandonment so soon after being turned. I have bonded him to me, and as such will not allow him to come to harm nor will I allow him to be taken from me.” Taking an unnecessary audible whiff of the air he smiles coldly. “It is my duty to find the one responsible for the havoc this child wreaked, and seeing as he can hold no fault, being feral as you say, fault falls instead upon the one responsible for his turning and abandonment.” Raising an eyebrow his cool smile widens. “You would not happen to know anything about that, would you Miss?”