-Smith and Jones way might be best. She could meet him in the future, perhaps in between Asylum of The Daleks and Dinosaurs on a spaceship, when she's on Earht. I imagine the Ponds exploring and looking out for any mysterious (and remotely alien) occurrences when the Doctor's not around, as if they're hoping to find him. Amy might have been exploring something she shouldn't have (Not unusual for her) and ran into a Police Box, and Ten. -We could just say Rory was away, or busy, and then have Amy and the Doctor caught in the middle of something, what Rory doesn't know, won't hurt him. But The Doctor might erase both Amy's and his own memories, as to keep time lines intact, and so she can go back to normal life of waiting. -I was thinking midddleish. After the Slitheen, but before they meet Jack. We could throw them in any old plot really, just no Daleks or Cybermen, as to keep continuity. A quick peek could help, but if you can't find it then no worries. - :hmm I can't say I know how long each will rp will need to be. Once we got a plot that should become more clear, but at the moment, it's however long we need it to be. My posts should range in size from 2- 8 paragraphs. I hope that's sufficient. I can't wait to start this bad boy!