[b]After the battle had been won it was quiet through out the whole castle. Every one was taking a moment to morn the dead. They walked back into the great hall and saw all the carnage of there loved ones. Some could not handle all the blood and left. While the others started to clean up. Shifting there wands here and there as things went back to there proper place. As people where busying themselves. The black goop that Bellatrix had turned into started to glump together and form into a shadow. No one took notice and kept on to what they where doing. As the dark goop took more shape to it. Ginny Wesley came into the room with Harry as the held hands in remorse. Ginny looked away from Harry there in front of her was Bellatrix staring her straight in the face with a smirk in her face. She quickly vanished as quickly as she had appeared. Ginny burst into tears as she laid her head into Harry's chest. "W..h..y,... .. why is she still alive?" Ginny stuttered through tears. Harry responded with as little fear as possible. "I don't know." The first year they all where on guard waiting for the moment that Bellatrix would show up. The next year they where guarded but, Harry prosed to Ginny and had a wedding that summer. It was held at the Weasley's home simple but, had an air of magic to it. Ron and Hermione where to follow and life was very quite. Children came and soon every one forgot about Bellatrix.[/b]