[center][img=http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Audrey%20Crowley&name=Simply%20Glamorous.ttf&size=40&style_color=F06C08] [i]"I'm going on an adventure!"[/i][/center] --- Mornings can go screw themselves. As her alarm incessantly went off, Audrey simply rolled over and pulled the covers snugly over her head, blocking out the annoying sound. Curling up into a tight little ball, she remained like that until the alarm finally annoyed her enough to peek out from her cocoon. She groggily reached over to turn off the alarm of her phone, blearily staring at the time it displayed. 7 AM..... That's enough time for her to fall back asleep for... Wait, 7 AM?! Audrey bolted upright in her bed, going through a mental panic attack. She's going to be late to school! How could she not wake up? With her heart pounding, she glanced again at the time on her phone, hoping that it was just her reading the time wrong. She wasn't, and it was indeed 7 AM. Audrey was about to leap out of bed in a flurry, wildly grasping for any random clothes that lay around, when she suddenly stopped, and took a moment to think. Today, today, today... There was something important about today that she couldn't quite put her finger on.... Oh yeah, she didn't have school today. Falling back into the bed, Audrey promptly fell back asleep. She had already wasted about 10 minutes of potential sleeping time, and she wasn't wasting anymore! She had stayed up the night before watching movies on her phone--shhhhh don't tell dad. Audrey needed that extra time to sleep and recuperate from her little movie marathon.