There had been a lot of walking and parts of the day dragged but Trex enjoyed the trip overall. He enjoyed Zelia's company and was glad that she was willing to come with him. Despite the fact he was a bit apprehensive about what his family would say. He had no doubt they would welcome Zelia with open arms. He just hoped they did not think he was bringing her home as a potential spouse. He knew that just her showing up was going to get some hard ribbing from his brothers. But that was his brothers. He had given back almost what they had done to him. How many times had he got them into trouble or tattled on them. Not that he tattled a lot. A lot of things stayed between them. Though they got into fights a lot, the three of them would quickly band together against any outsider. It was part of being siblings. As they walked down the road toward his family's farm, Trex felt his heart lighten a bit and his aching feet seemed to ease a bit. They were almost there. Everything brought back memories. The trees they climbed in. The pond they swam in. The spot where he and Robert tried to catch a ride out of here. Good memories. Snapping out of his thoughts when Zelia spoke, Trex glanced ahead. Lights could be made out on the farmhouse ahead. He nodded. "That's it alright." He stated a smile coming to his face. It wasn't much but it was home. Heading up the lane, Trex kept his pace contained and though he had a small smile he kept his excitement contained. It had been some time since he had last been home. The life of a wizard was hard and difficult. And since he was either on the road a lot or pushing all his effort into training, he did not have the time to just come by and visit. "Let me put them in the barn before we go in." He told Zelia pausing as they reached the farmhouse. They were probably starting to eat soon and he wanted to make sure that the horses were cared for before going in. Otherwise, in all the excitement of the reunion they might get temporarily forgotten. Going into the barn quietly, Trex pointed out a few of the other animals to Zelia, before going over and greeting each one by name. Well, except for a few that he did not know yet. Finally getting to some empty stalls he let Zelia deal with the reins and harnesses from the two horses and comb them down while he went up to the loft and knocked some feed down. As he picked up the pitchfork he heard barking. Glancing down as the barn door opened he blinked back as the lantern brightened the room. "Who are you?" A deep voice demanded spotting Zelia. In one hand he grasped the lantern and in the other he held the collar of a very large dog. Though the dog looked a bit old there was no mistaking how much of a threat he still was.