Loki was shaking, "Stupid weak body." He hissed. He wasn't impressed with how weak he had gotten already. He was feeling really rather ill. He hoped SHIELD wouldn't come for him still. That was the last thing he needed was to have those idoits coming here for him. He didn't want to mess with anybodies minds again or anything like that. He knew as much as SHIELD annoyed him, he couldn't do anything to them. There was some days he wished he had gotten rid of them. He knew they wanted to know everything, he had learned that when he had taken over Bartons mind. He sighed. He knew that Agent Barton would never want to trust him again after all of that. "MMM," Fury didn't seem to believe that "Miss Thor is that the only reason you have for wanting him," The director sounded suspicious. Though he always was when it came to Tony. He knew Tony never fully wanted to cooperate with him either. He was looking around as he spoke. "What do you want Thor for , I'm sure he would be back in Asgard unless he finds out he is needed here." The man's voice was firm. "I have got to go Tony." Nick Fury ended the call. He then went to send SHIELD over to Tony's place. He sent Clint Barton over with them. Loki was coughing, he reaches for his glass of water and drinks it. He was feeling rather miserable. He lay back and was thinking a bit. The god curled up not knowing the SHIELD was coming, He knew he was so weak and couldn't defend himself. He shivered and curled up more. "I Hate this." he hissed. He was not enjoying feeling miserable as her was now. His head was hurting, He had put the book down for the mean time. He was starting to think tea sounded like a good idea.