Had the primary reason for his attraction to Korra, been because of her status of Avatar, Asami may have been slightly more forgiving. May have, been the key word. Asami may have been able to stomach the idea that Korra's powerful role in the world would be what had piqued Mako's interest but to learn that he was interested in her for other, more deep seeded reasons made her uncomfortable. She almost wished Make had been shallow enough to turn his head for the Avatar, because that was something Asami couldn't change or compete with and in a sense, she'd be relieve of duty in trying to figure out the complexity that was the male mind. But instead, he liked Korra as Korra. And Asami wasn't Korra, not even a bender. What was a girl to do? She was so ordinary and plain, miles away from anything Mako knew and yet Korra could somehow interest Mako and relate to him better than she could within the time they had dated. Had Asami been fooling herself all this time? Going back to her plate, she started to eat as Mako continued to talk, admitting that what he said was pretty rich and that this would benefit him and hopefully her. Talk wasn't as cheap as some people thought it was. Asami sighed at her food, knowing she had to eat but somehow the will to put food into her mouth was failing her. They went back to eating in strained silence. She was about halfway through when Mako spoke up and express how much he liked the food, even though they had fine meals where they once were. [b]"Thank you."[/b] She smiled. It was small but sincere enough. Then she realized she might have been better off saying that he was welcome but she decided against adding that bit. She glanced back at her plate, her fort pushing pasta around aimlessly. With all the stress of her company and family and friends weighing down on her, she found her stomach too unsettled to stomach anything else. Rising from her seat, she picked up her plate. [b]"If it means anything to you..."[/b] She started to say. [b]"I do want us to be friends again, I know it would do us much better to be on the same side again and it may be selfish in saying this but...i don't have many people on my side anymore and while I'm still upset at how things turned out, it would be stupid to burn bridges between us completely."[/b] Asami said carefully. Now whether or not she still saw him a romantic light, had yet to be seen. Anything that was there, was now clouded by his actions with Korra and Asami wasn't ready to begin to wonder if she'd ever feel as safe with Mako as she once did. She had cared so much for him and wanted to keep him safe and happy and then he left her and Asami couldn't be so forgiving, could forget how much it hurt to be given the cold shoulder. She tried to remind herself of how bad it felt, and how Mako, despite how much a jerk he was, didn't deserve too much suffering. Heading into the kitchen, she washed her plate and began to clean up, finding it a good distraction for her head. Asami saw Mako soon enter and she felt her defenses going back up. In her mind, she somewhat decided that for now, she had done enough opening up. With a timid weary heart, the girl quickly left and went up to her room. As she was nearly up the stairs, a servant approached her and said someone had sent her a letter and handed it to her. Asami opened it and saw a brief invitation from two people named Xano and Xana. It didn't say much except that they knew of Future Industries' plight and that they wanted to help her, and that they also knew which prison her father was located in, having been caught for treason and several counts of murder. Her heart stopped, the note didn't leave any contact information and just said that they would be in touch with her soon, to help. Asami felt her knees begin to shake as she grabbed onto the bannister. [b]"Did you see who dropped this off?"[/b] The woman shook her head and Asami slowly eased herself down on the stairs, her long legs dangling down the next few stairs below her. She hadn't a clue where her father was, having jut gotten back to the city, she didn't know where to start looking. Going to the police would have been a foolish idea, since her father was one of the main antagonists behind the rebellion. Asami looked back down at the small note, reading it over several times. She found it difficult to breath. Xano and Xana? She hadn't heard of them before and she was pretty knowledgeable when it came to her father's clients and supporters. Of course now, that might not matter anymore. She looked up to see Mako approaching her. She debated as to whether or not to mention the letter but he seemed concerns and she didn't have anyone else to turn to, even just to vent. [b]"I think I may have a clue as to where my father is. Two investors have come forward offering help."[/b] In truth it did sound a bit suspicious but what else did she have to go on? [b]"They didn't give me much reassurance but right now they're the only ones who can help me sort out these problems and I have to see my father..."[/b] She licked her lips thoughtfully, her heart still pounding furiously against her chest. [b]"Not just for the sake of the company but...for my sake. I need to know why he did this. When Bolin was with me, when we were fighting him...we seemed so far away from one another he's all I have."[/b] She knew Mako would understand wanting to hold onto the only family you had left, no matter the issue. Of course Asami was even more guarded with her father than she was with Mako. Her father had been outright lying to her for so so long. Whereas Mako was just confused and pushed her away. Her father on the other hand, used her and tried to attack her and other innocents. She may never forgive him but she couldn't let him slip away either. Looking to him, she leaned over and slipped an arm around him, resting her head on his shoulder. God, she needed a hug right now. Bolin gave good hugs. Then again, so did Mako. He was always warm and that wasn't just because of his fire bender status. Standing up after a while, she kept the letter grasped in her hand. [b]"I'm going to get some rest."[/b] She muttered and pushed her hair back over her shoulders. There was still daylight left to burn but for now, she needed to be alone. Asami headed up her room and when a few hours passed and the sun had just set, she went down to the hallway to start a nice hot bath. She ran the water and sat by the edge, the door closed despite needing to let some of the steam out. Asami removed her clothes and had slipped into her robe when she let her mind wander from the idea of meeting her father, to reclaiming her newly acquired company, to what to make for dinner or if she should go out, to what to do about Korra and the others. [i]'Baby steps.'[/i] She told herself as she ran a hand under the water, making sure the temperature was just right, which it was. - - - The boy watched Korra was the same high level of interest as he always had. When they were training at the Arena or out on the town, his eyes always watched her with delight. He wasn't so much admiring her physical beauty as much as just everything around her. Everything she did, everyone she spoke to, everyone she came in contact with, every time she spoke, he just loved to soak all of it up. Korra was more than the Avatar to him, to him she was a breath of fresh air. She was so different and so bold, she was amazing in different ways. She wasn't perfect, he knew that. She wasn't always polite or worried about what others thought of her. She was a real person with problems of her own. She was funny and great to be around. He was never uneasy around her like when he sometimes went out with other girls or fans. Korra made him feel so grounded, like he was set in place. And he liked being there... In the present, with her. When Korra took to stance and began to build up mental strength to move the slab of rock, he held his breath. [i]'Come on Korra, you can do it.'[/i] Bolin silently urged her. Of course he'd make his cheering vocal but for now, considering this was her first attempt, he wouldn't bother her. Bolin watched Korra move again and this time, something happened. Something actually happened! He wasn't sure what to believe, except for that Koraa was beyond incredible. He thought she'd do well but not this well. He was happy for her, as this amount of progress was the best outcome they could have hoped for. It could give her the encouragement she needed and validate her skills as bender, not just an Avatar. [b]"Way to go!"[/b] He cheered, waving his hands in the air like he was some spectator at a Pro Bending match. He grinned and looked back to where the rock had been launched into the water. He let out an impressed whistle and looked back to see Korra grinning just as much as he was. [b]"Heh, you want something more challenging? Okay then."[/b] He nodded and thought for a moment, putting his hand to his chin. He then got an idea, [b]"Okay how about this? I'm gonna bend a cube around you and close the walls, it's your job to bend them away or break out of them. Got it?"[/b] He told her as he stepped back. It had been a while since he could feel sturdy ground under his feet. being up north was not something he enjoyed mostly because water and slick ice were annoying to bend and getting under it all, to the actual soil was really hard. Bolin felt like this not only helped Korra, but it could also help himself. He flexed his hands out, fingers summoning forth the strength around them. With a few rumbles, the ground around them shifted and Bolin willed the rock to shift and make six slabs of rock. They were all two week thick and They were six foot tall and six foot wide. He pushed his arms forward and let out a few grunts as the earth cube was formed around Korra. For now, he could only guess and say they were about a foot away from Korra who was in the middle of them. It took a look of will power not to lose focus or to worry about the girl inside. He was her friend and a friend could be worried but also restrained. Korra was reaching out to him as a friend for help. He was sure that if Lin or Tenzin could help, she would have asked them. But she was with him and it was his job to make sure that her skills were relearned and polished. [b]"How you doin' in there?"[/b] He asked, his voice strained but still warm and filled with amusement. Now he began to carefully inch the slabs of thick of earth inward, closing the small prison around Korra. He waited, controlling his breath as he soon kept them moving inward, shrinking the space. As the cube began to shrink, he felt his own worries getting the better of him. He knew his hold would weaken if he kept distracting himself. Korra was fine and if she wasn't, she'd tell him and he'd immediately stop. But low and behold, the girl managed to break free of the prison and leave a mess of rubble around them. His smile brightened though he supposed he should act more remorseful that he didn't get her that time. Still, he couldn't help but feel so proud of Korra, despite knowing how careful he should be around her. But when he looked at Korra, he didn't see someone who led him on or broke his heart or how damaged lives. No. He saw someone who was just trying to find her way. Bolin saw Korra's faults and understood them. He knew what she did wasn't necessarily right or good, but he wasn't about to hold her accountable for actions made when her life was spinning all around her. The rebellion and events leading up to it, had made everyone a little crazy. Sure, he told Mako he liked Korra and Mako said Korra wasn't really girlfriend material and so Bolin tried to ask her out, only to have Mako make a move soon after. But why should he remain mad at two people he cared about? He knew Asami was hurting, he could see it in her face. He wasn't sure what she was doing about it but he was sure she and Mako were talking about it. Did that mean he and Korra should talk about their issues too? He had brought he cakes and flowers and cheered her own, he liked hanging out with her but he knew his actions toward her were a bit one sided, perhaps misguided. Even so, Bolin wasn't angry at Korra. He was a bit angry at himself for pushing too hard, for thinking she'd think of him anymore than a friend. She had enough to worry about and dealing with him wasn't necessary. He really liked her but he just needed to accept that as amazing as she was and as amazing as he was, they just weren't amazing together, despite his personal opinion on the matter. [b]"Darn, really thought you'd lose it there...well good job."[/b] He rubbed his neck. The past wasn't where he wanted to be, Bolin was an optimist. He couldn't say in the past when it was so dirty and so negative. He wanted to look forward. Republic City was saved and Korra was okay, his brother was okay and everything would soon become better than just okay. For the rest of the time, he and Korra trained with various earth bending games and techniques and by the end of the day, they were called in to get ready for dinner. Food sounded real good right about now. - - - While she trusted Tenzin with her life, there was no way she'd sit on the sidelines and let him have all the fun. To her, this was fun. Lin heard the familiar wisps of air being manipulated around her. She felt the familiar breeze of Tenzin air bending. He rarely did it, as he wasn't one for fighting or conflict because somehow he believed that more action could be taken with words, rather than punches. But sometimes people spoke in different languages and the best language to speak when dealing with moronic criminals was with a forceful fist or some heavy duty earth bending. Since Lin was unable to bend, she would readily rely on her physical skills to get the job done. But of course, she'd concede to the idea that having a skilled and trusted companion like Tenzin was reassuring. As much as she hated to admit she enjoyed working with someone, if she had to work with someone, it might as well be an old friend, she knew he'd take care of her if the situation called for it. And he knew, she'd take care of herself and him, if the situation called for it. They knew each other well enough that fighting side by side, had long ago become an old natural custom. The woman watched out of the corner of her eye as Tenzin used one of his usual tricks to send an assailant flying who had tried to flee. She could commend the idiot for having the balls to run when he knew it was hopeless, but bad news for him, he was dealing with Tenzin and herself and as to be expected, Tenzin took care of things quick enough. Her lips curved up in a half smirk half smile as she turned her attention back on the man she was making eat bricks. When the rest of her team finally arrived, she lectured them for thinning out and taking so long to get to her, despite her orders which did make them spread apart to cover more ground. No matter though. She couldn't be bothered with what she said a half an hour ago. As she was helping Tenzin with the one he caught, the air bender began to prattle of a limp offer to which she was barely paying any mind to. Tenzin rubbed his neck, a habit he got from his father obviously. She would often roll her eyes when he did that. Despite his passive personality, she didn't like seeing such a man stumble over his words like a child. Tenzin was a great man, strong and wise. He shouldn't need to be so nervous or weary of things or people and somehow when they were together, both her and Tenzin seemed to nearly revert back to their youth. She'd drag him around on various adventures and he'd try to squirm out of them because he had to train or that they were children of important people and as such, they needed to be more careful about their actions. Lin, as a young girl, would often wish Tenzin would be more assertive and step out of the shadows. He wasn't just a son of the Avatar, he was his own person. Perhaps being Toph's daughter made her more stubborn and rebellious but Lin found it easy to not give a crap about what others thoughts. Well, most others. She did care what Tenzin though. On many instances, she'd make an attempt to be less arrogant and loud mouthed when they walked around as teenagers. Old habits would die hard of course, Lin would hear someone comment about them or their family's history and she'd snap back into her usual self, earth bending the idiot across the street while Tenzin would shake his head and try to help the person who had insulted them in the first place, who would be earth bent into the opposite building across from them. Lin couldn't help herself though, she knew what she wanted and she said it without hesitation. Tenzin's big flaw was that he was too thoughtful and stuck in his own head. it was hard to even tell when he was enjoying himself, he didn't smile much which she thought was a shame. Then again, she wasn't one for dishing out giggles and grins either. [i]'I wonder what happened to us back then to make us so hardened.'[/i] She knew though. Lin looked back to Tenzin as he finally got what he needed to say, out. She arched a brow, more interested thanks to his last comment. [i]'It seems he's got a backbone after all, maybe fighting does him some good after all.'[/i] She mused and sighed, placing her hands on her hips. It wasn't much use, considering Tenzin wanted her to say yes. [b]"Dinner with your family? Don't you think we've all spent enough time together for a while?"[/b] Lin asked him. Why appeal did it have to her, to spend another few hours with his children and the woman he left her for? Plus probably Korra and her earth bending friend. Lin felt so old all of a sudden and wondered how Tenzin kept up with everything. Of course he was entrusted to take care of the female Avatar, but Lin wasn't sure it was fair to give such an immense task to Tenzin. Besides, it wasn't as though he was in touch with the youth of today. At least she knew the streets and what stupid kids were up to these days. With the rebellion over, she hoped things would settle down and go back to normal. [b]"Alright fine, but only because you actually had the balls to pretty much make me go. If you had just asked, I would have said no because I have better things to do."[/b] Lin told him. Why not reward him for actually being gutsy enough to twist her arm? Smiling, she finished signed the papers which needed to be signed. [b]"See you tonight then, thanks for your help."[/b] She flashed him a rare smile as she rested her hand on his shoulder and headed off to get back to work. Lin went back to rounding up possible criminals and helping the locals deal with any trouble. When the sun was about to set, Lin headed back to compound to get into a hot bath. She briefly considered just bailing on Tenzin and his family but she knew he was extending a kindness and she couldn't push him away, as much as her brain was telling her to do so. She got dressed in slightly less formal wear than what she wore around the city, and headed off to the port to grab a ferry to the island. She had on simple black pants and a green top. She even brought along a bottle of wine since it seemed customary or something. She wasn't one for parties or dinner dates but she at least figured a bottle of wine would be good enough. And since they had a newborn son, she was sure some alcohol would be right up the parents' alley. Lin arrived and headed up to the main house. She was greeted by Tenzin, as well as his rambunctious children. Meelo seemed in awe of her even still, and she just politely said her hellos and headed inside, handing the bottle to Pema who passed it along to a servant to open it. From the smell and look of the dining room, they were ready to eat. She spotted Korra and Bolin enter and Bolin greeted her with a wave. Lin glanced back to Tenzin, really wishing she wasn't there at the moment. Small talk was not her thing, if anything, it was one of Lin's awkward weaknesses. [b]"Despite having been overrun with enemy benders and nearly destroying everything, your home looks nice..."[/b] Lin commented.