Tony cursed, and he cursed, and he cursed some more as Fury hung up on him. Damn, damn, damn, damn. This was not good. He had gone and messed it all up. He downed the rest of his drink before getting up and heading out back to the main room. "JARVIS, lock down the tower." "Yes sir." Tony groaned at his own idiocy as he poured himself another drink, something strong. That would do it. Didn't really matter if he was drunk when SHIELD appeared. He could still talk, maybe slur a bit. Even better when he was drunk... They hopefully wouldn't suspect anything. Because him drinking was normal. And he could fight with the Iron Man suit while not sober if needed. He downed that drink, pouring his fourth before realising he had meant to check on Loki straight after talking to Fury. He got up, glass in hand, and managed to walk normally over to Loki's current room. If there was one good thing that had come from all of his drinking it was the fact that he had a higher alcohol tolerance. It would take more to get him truly drunk. Even took a while to get him tipsy. He entered the room, leaning in the doorway and looking at Loki. He looked, quite frankly, miserable. And what Tony had caused was just going to make everything worse. "Hey, Lokes, sleep well? Need anything? Ginger tea now that you're awake?" Like he would actually have time to make that with SHIELD about to knock on his doorstep, well at least he was sure they were. He took a sip of his drink, making a face. Ugh. That was horrible. Why had he bought that stuff? It was terrible. Ah well, he had poured himself some. Might as well drink it now. He took another gulp, watching Loki carefully as he did so. The god looked like what sleep he had got had not been good. Tony was sure there were tear stains on his cheek. "Sorry you didn't sleep well, if you weren't so ill I would offer you drinks to drown your sorrow in." Unfortunately all he had to offer was a friendly visit from SHIELD to check up on Tony, find Loki and take him in. He was sure it was just what Loki needed in this state. Tony just hoped they had a bit of time before any of them turned up so Tony could think of what he wanted to say. Unfortunately for him the SHIELD agents were pretty much at Stark Towers. They were fast and efficient.