Scenario 10 A shattering sound filled the air as Avery was sent flying into a window, breaking the glass entirely. She collided with a few tables and chairs, sliding along the ground and toppling over the objects in her path. Her vision is clouded by black specks, and the figures in the room look like nothing more than blurry shapes. Avery attempted to muster the strength to pull herself up, her arms shaking as she carried her weight on them, but collapsed back onto the ground, exhausted. Her left leg was in severe pain, as it had caught on the window on her way in. Avery's sight was beginning to refocus, so she heaved herself onto her right side to look around, taking pressure off the other leg. Pain shot through her as she was forced to use her left leg to push herself over and it fell limp beside her when she had done so. The taste of blood had filled her mouth, and Avery licked her lips only to receive more of the metallic flavour. There were two people in the room, a teacher and yet another unfamiliar face. She really needed to get around more.