((Sorry for the horrible post. I'm in a hurry.)) From further back in the shadows, another figure approached. As he came into a lighter part of the area, they saw that he looked like a wingless dragon. He had a Brainiac logo on his head, but he ripped it off and kept hold of it. [b]"I got the signal. Looks like Brainiac bit off more than he could chew when he tried to take over a dragon. Doesn't he realize dragons are all immune to mind control?"[/b] He listened to the more veteran members of the League, though he himself had worked with the League before. When Kai Ro mentioned a need to take his ring back, Kalama knew it was a good idea to spare the logo he held. [b]"I could help with that. Brainiac likely thinks he has hold of my mind, so I can use this to infiltrate and find out just where the ring is."[/b]