"Oh... Well hopefully you'll catch some sleep here," Tony replied with a shrug. He didn't sleep much. Unless he drank himself into a sleep or accidentally fell asleep while working. There had been times in the past where Pepper had found him and forced him to go to sleep. He was always up early anyway. After years of sleeping with a different person every night it was often good to be the first one up. "I don't understand how anyone could not drink." He took another gulp. "It's brilliant." It didn't work as well as drugs once had, when it came to forgetting, but Tony was never ever going back to those dark days. He would stick with drinking for the moment. "Right, one tea coming right up!" He grinned all too cheerfully, though concern was visible in his dark brown eyes. What could he say? Alcohol made his emotions more visible. "Though I apologise in advance if it tastes horrible." He nodded slightly. "Agent Barton and company are at the door, sir. They are asking you to open up." Tony groaned, finishing his drink quickly and running a hand through his hand. A sudden look of stress and worry crossed his face. This was not going to be good. Hopefully he would be able to talk with Clint, though. They got on well enough... If it had just been SHIELD agents it would have been much much worse. "Open the door then, Jarv..." Tony sighed. "Tell them to come to the main room or something." He glanced at Loki, frowning. "Sorry Lokes... I'll explain why this is happening when I tell them to all screw off. I'll make your tea while I do so, actually... You just lie in here and don't worry your pretty self while Tony the awesome goes on sort everything out." Damn. Maybe the drink was not a good idea at all. Time for a quick exit. "Hopefully see you when their gone." He was quickly out of the door, heading into the main room and putting on some water to boil. Thankfully he had had the foresight to make all the ginger stuff beforehand so that was all done. He moved over to the bar to pour himself another drink (he was already tipsy so he might as well just keep drinking) while the kettle boiled and he waited for the agents to turn up. The doors, which were automatic, and JARVIS spoke as the did so. "Mr Stark will see you in the main room of the tower."