Loki nodded. He hoped he would be able to get some sleep. He felt so sick. He needed to sleep. He was getting weak and uncomfortabe laying where he was . He hoped that all of this would be over soon. He was just getting tired of being even more tired than normal and of feeling so sick. He knew despite not having slept good, he was tired because the sickness was taking alot out of him too. He hoped that nobody knew he was here. His head was pounding. The god hoped Tony was smart enough to deal with it, when he was obviously getting drunk. "Right yeah... because ending up with a hangover is awesome," Loki said slowly in reponse to Tony's comments about drinking. It occured to him he had never seen Tony hungover, he had only really seen him drunk. He just hoped Tony knew what he was doing. He nodded when Tony said he was going to deal with thier vistors. He had a feeling that maybe it was somebody coming to see what Tony was up to. The god decided to remain quiet as he could when he heard the SHIELD agents enter the room. Barton walked in and looked around, He really did hope that Tony knew what he was doing. He felt rather tense about this whole thing. He doubted that things were going to go that well. Clint sits down and waited for Tony. Tony was still an Avenger like him, and he didn't really want to get a fellow team mate in trouble but he was following orders. He knew if Natasha was here she would knock some sense into Tony if she could. "Do you know why we are here Tony? Nick thinks you are up to something." The god couldn't help but smirk at Tony's comments before Tony had left the room. He though tensed hearing Bartons's voice. He knew Barton wouldn't like it if he knew he was here. Loki coughed quietly , he was used to Tony giving him nicknames and calling him other things than his names. He supposed that was just Tony. He was breathing slightly painned, He seemed to be short of breath. Loki was indeed very sick.