Iria did a playful mock salute and took out her fans when Michael motioned to them. She looked at Dover and gave a friendly nod. She didn't know Dover all that well, but with this exercise she might just make a new friend. And she was always looking to make a new friend. From gloomy Children of the Hades to overly aggressive Children of Ares, everyone had their fairer qualities. You just needed to find them. They spoke of strategies and it grew quiet when asked what they might do to deal with anything the opposing team might throw their way. Iria spoke first. "I'm not too sure about the War Gods' children, but when it comes to mist, instinct and bright light is all you have," Iria had a serious look on her face, unusual for her, "Maybe sound as well. As for Billy... I'd suggest keeping out of his range. If he can't see you, [i]maybe[/i] he can't put you to sleep." "And they may try to ambush you too, Great Leader, they are warrior Children," she gave a teasing wink to Michael before turning to Dover, "We'd better get into position." She looked over her shoulder and gave a wave with her good arm. "Good luck everyone!" Iria jogged through the forest getting to the clearing without much navigational help. It was quiet, without the others around or the campers milling about. The sky was a perfect blue, cloudless and clear. The grass was tall and wild, swaying about as pitches of wind flew by. Everything looked soft and lush. Ah, the beginnings of summer. Birds chirped happily once the defensive team was out of their closeness. Birds. They were helpful creatures. Their skittishness always made it a bit easier to tell when someone was close by. That would be an advantage. So would the tall grass. And the sunlight. It would give her more to work with. "One of us should guard the flag out in the open, while the other hides," she said, breaking the silence, "And since I'm not very good at hiding, maybe I should be the bright shiny distraction, hm? Only a suggestion though." She smiled and rocked backed on her heels.