[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/hnC56W4.jpg][/center] So! I'm a huuge fan of the anime series known as "Strike Witches". For those of you who don't know, Strike Witches is an anime set in an alternate World War II earth. On September 1st, 1939, a massive, swirling black storm suddenly appeared over Central Europa, its center over the capital of Karlsland, Berlin. An alien force known as the Neuroi descended from the cloud and began to lay waste to the land. Conventional weapons of war seem to have no effect on these terrible, cold creatures as their wounds regenerated and red beams of death continue to fire. It wasn't long before the entire mainland was under their control, forcing allied military forces to Britannia with Orussia barley holding out on its own. At the same time, other "hives" began to appear in the world, like one in North Africa.The worlds top scientists came from around the globe to finally create a weapon to combat the Neuroi. The only way to defeat Neuroi was by destroying their hexagonal shaped core, or else it would just regenerate and repair the damage. The Striker Unit was created to give the magical witches of the world their new "broomstick" . These Striker Units doubled the witches magical power and gave them great maneuverability and speed in which to combat the Neuroi. Witches from around the world answered the call to arms and now the year is 1945, North Africa still remains in Neuroi hands, but many advances on that front have been made. Meanwhile, Gallia has been finally liberated and now the Allies have pushed the Neuroi back to the Karlslandic border. Oh yeah, three more things about the witches. First, in order to stabilize their magic, witches will have a spiritual familiar that will show its traits when they use their magic, like the ears of the animal, tail, or even sometimes skin texture will appear. Second, only every 100 years or so is it said that a male magic user is born, so for whatever dumb reason the anime came up with, only girls can use magic(if you got an idea for a Warlock, PM me about it and we'll discuss it). Third and lastly, a witches magic peaks in their late teens, then starts to decline. Usually those who aren't particularly powerful with magic take a longer time to decay than those who do(A bright lightbulb burns out faster), so usually the recruitment age can range as young as 15 to as old as 21. Rarely after 21 does a witch maintain the magical ability to operate a Striker Unit. And here is where our story begins. The North African Campaign is taking much longer than Karlsland Field Marshal Erwin Rommel had expected. The Neuroi are putting up a stiff resistance in the deserts of Libya (no clever alternate name apparently :/). A new joint fighter wing has been created to boost the manpower on the front to help in pushing the threat back. We are the 509th "Weary Witches", the unit that was given the roughest, toughest front of the war. The air is hot and dry and threats loom everywhere! Now then, there are two versions of the Striker Unit, the land one and the flying one. Land ones are based off of real life tanks. e.i. the "Tiger Striker Unit" is going to be like the "Tiger Tank" in the sense that shield magic is boost considerably as well as the ability to carry heavier weaponry The flying ones are obviously the plane counter parts, so you would have a "P-40 Striker Unit" and you would have similar flight characteristics. Some picture examples of items previously talked about: [hider=Neuroi] [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/094/6/4/strike_witches_neuroi_by_trebor469-d60hfxx.jpg][/hider] [hider=On patrol] [img=http://i.imgur.com/4F9XtyX.jpg][/hider] [hider= Dogfighting over Red Sea, a bit too modern, but it gets the jist across] [img=http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4236/sample29618fbaca9b96fae.jpg][/hider] Here's a link to the wiki for a waaaaay better description of the basic setting: [url=http://strikewitches.wikia.com/wiki/Strike_Witches_Wiki] Anyway, that's all for now. Hope you guys are interested in doing this RP! More info, CS, and other tasty items will go with the OOC