Flynn looked behind him when Skye asked where the others were, "They were behind me... So I can only assume that Trex is dealing with the car.... and maybe Amber and Chris are helping... I wanted to come and check up on Zelia," he looked at her and laughed a little, "Who would think after sleeping for that long she'd want to go to sleep again." He turned to look at Trex when he came in. He placed a hand on his shoulder when Trex started to fume. However, Skye beat him to saying that the girl had fallen asleep due to her own free will. He smirked and nodded when he was told to go to bed, "Sure thing, dad..." he looked between Skye and Trex, "Are you two okay with splitting the whole night between you... I mean... I think Trex would kill someone before letting Zelia take watch at all tonight," he winked at his friend for he climbed into the empty bed that was next to the one Zelia was already sleeping in. Flynn smirked at Trex, "Keep in mind, watch doesn't entail staring at Zelia." He laughed and rolled over in the bed and was out like a light. It seemed with having Orian out at such a distance and then opening the second gate with Pisces left him knackered. He pulled the blanket around him and soon was deep into a slumber.