[center] [b]Una[/b] & [i]Ailis[/i] ---- "[b]Sounds interesting enough.[/b]" "[i]Hardly. A sky boat? And a skull-faced sailor? You're losing your edge girl.[/i]" "[b]But if the whole story's real? What then?[/b]" "[i]Well, then, I'll treat you to some Nerma Trout. And I won't gamble for it![/i]" The two quickly extended their arms across the wooden surface, locking their hands together as if some life-changing deal had just been made. But in reality it was nothing more than two high-spirited treasure hunters making bets about some story they had just heard in their favorite tavern. Well, it's not like they don't get most of their leads here. Drunken folk often have the loosest lips, and that's why these two had made a pact to never-ever-ever drink in public, or they'd confess to who knows how many things. On topic, after the two shook hands solidifying the deal they stood from their chairs using their legs to quickly snap the furniture into it's rightful place. The barkeep whom was pretty much family by now waved them off as they quickly made their way to the wooden saloon doors. "You two be safe." He said with a slightly projected voice trying to speak over the noisy bar audience, they heard him and offered a wave farewell as they opened. the swinging doors. Modia, it was like an eternal circus everywhere you went in this nation. Artists at every corner, and where there wasn't an artist a merchant of some kind took their place, pestering any potential customer that passed. A particular ogre seemed to find the post in front of the Seven Serpents the most fruitful and therefore pestered the two women everyday. "Oh! Hewwo Ana and Elise." "[b]It's Una.[/b]" "[i]It's Ailis.[/i]" "Sowwy, would you like to try some of thu' smoked meat from Balz?" "[b]Nope.[/b][i] Nope.[/i]" The two said, in sync once again. Quickly before the merchant could offer them anymore of his wares, the two set off down the makeshift road to the eastern part of the village, the quieter side. The two didn't have much of a reputation in the town they called their 'base of operations' but some of the locals did know their names. The cubi in particular had a fascination with Ailis and her swordsmanship which she displayed at local events when they weren't on a job, or hunting someone down. Una on the other was just some distant woman that captivated many of the Modian men, though few approached her after witnessing the last man who approached her get knocked out with a single punch. "[b]Hey, he was an orc. I thought he was going to try something.[/b]" "[i]He wanted to demonstrate some of his gold-pushing muscle on you is what he wanted to try.[/i]" "[b]I'll cut that fancy sword of your's in half if you don't quit picking on me.[/b]" "[i]Bah, you're only fun when violence is involved.[/i]" "[b]That's how I am[/b]" They reached the entrance of the village, a small wooden sign stood shabbily placed into the lush green grass, one arrow pointed north and read: [North: Bal'zubah] and the other pointed east and read: [East: Invidia]. The wetlands were east so they'd be heading to the familiar territory of the Nereids. If they were lucky they'd be ambushed by bandits, or maybe a petty thief would come try their luck. Times were far-far too peaceful for the duo who seemingly sought danger for pleasure and reward. While following the dirt road east, the two seemed focused on the forest that was visible even from a day's walk in distance. "[i]Remind you of home?[/i]" "[b]Not in the slightest. Remind you of your boyfriend?[/b]" Una's joke was instead answered with a quick jab to the stomach knocking the wind out of her a little, but the hard leather of her vesture absorbing most of the blow. The emerald-eyed elf winced as she looked at her succubi friend, and struggled to smirk in an apologetic manner. Which was answered with a grumble and the accelerated pace of Ailis. She had spent too much of her time looking for the man, making jokes about it was more painful than thinking about the year she spent with him. Recognizing her friend's saddening expression from a fair distance behind, Una pounced at Ailis from behind, throwing her arms over the younger girl's shoulders and saying in a uplifting tone. "[b]So, if there's a boat. What does that mean?[/b]" "[i]I don't know, you tell me.[/i]" "[b]Just think, humans, they're not all that different than we.[/b]" "[i]Liquor.[/i]" "[b]Most likely that as well, I'm talking about gold, treasure, something of value, maybe even something useful.[/b]" "[i]Like a shiny new sword?[/i]" "[b]It probably won't be as good as Fenrir. But sure, maybe. Or even something for me~[/b]"[/center]