[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Vampire%20Academy&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=40&style_color=EDC9AF[/img][/center] -------------------------- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Introduction%20-%20Melissa%27s%20Diary&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=20&style_color=EDC9AF[/img][/center] ----------------------------- [i][b]Diary Entry 410268. Year unknown.[/b] I, Melissa, am afraid of what is happening to me. I am not undergoing what teenagers these days refer to as “growing up.” It’s a change that turns me inside out at most times. At night, I get nightmares and convulse wildly. I’d wake up in heavy perspiration, slowly forgetting what I’d dreamt about. But as these nightmares grew frequent, it got harder to forget them. I sat in a chair opposite the bedroom door. I knew which room it would lead me to because it was what I’d always remember in my memories from when I was little during one of my visits to Russia. The door was a rich dark wood color, worn out by time. The chair’s back was to the door, so I was sitting with one leg on either side of it. I rested my chin on folded arms above the seat’s back. I knew was waiting for something that was never going to turn up, but that didn’t keep me from sitting eagerly, like a little girl expecting presents on Christmas morning. The door knob jingled. I knew it was locked and someone was opening it from the other side. I knew I was supposed to be afraid, but I wasn’t. Like an idiot, I approached the door and turned the knob, hoping to help whoever was trying to come out. It opened freely---it was already open. I could feel the cold air although I haven’t set foot into the other room yet. I could hear windows banging open, the sound of cloth swishing wildly. The wind whistled. But there was nothing except darkness in the other room. I squinted curiously, making out a pair of bright red eyes heading towards me. I still wasn’t afraid, but I was panting and my heart was beating so fast it was a miracle that I haven’t exploded. Then he was inches from my face in a moment. It was like a scene being fast-forwarded. I didn’t even see him walk out of the bedroom. He’d slowly open his mouth, revealing two razor-sharp fangs. Again, it fast-forwarded. It was then that I realized he could move too fast for a regular human. I couldn’t feel anything; I was paralyzed from the neck below. I sniffed the air, aware of a nauseating metallic scent emanating from somewhere around me. It was disgusting yet sweet, scary yet wonderful. Instinctively, I reached toward the part of me that was heavy, burning, and in pain: my neck. It was wet; too wet to be sweat. I retrieved my hand and immediately looked at it. Blood. I must have fainted in the dream, then. Or died. Some people said dying was the only way to end a dream. When I’d wake up in the morning, all the fear I neglected in the dream would come crawling back to me at the same time. I have to get going. It’s a little before dawn, and we have to get to church by then. If I ever feel anything else uncanny happening in my boring fifteen-year-old life, I’ll write it down. Melissa.[/i] ----------------------- [i][b]Diary Entry 410269. The following day.[/b] Stranger things are happening. Yesterday, I couldn’t enter the church. My stomach would churn when I’d step into the large doors. When I touched the pews, I felt my whole body warm up. Mother immediately sensed this and assumed I was running a fever. I knew I wasn’t, but I was thankful for the excuse to get home quickly. As soon as I’d stepped out of the church, all the animosity that I felt was aimed at me was finally gone. It was weird, so I decided to investigate. I called up the source of my bad dreams---Russia. My godfather, Count Vladmir, immediately ordered me to go visit him at once. I have decided a minute ago not to go. What if I can’t bear looking at my bedroom door without shouting anymore? But I also feel that I should go away. I feel that my family is in grave danger. And that I am the danger...[/i] ----------------------------- This entry was unfinished, for Melissa had undergone the Turn. The Turn is an event wherein a living turns into a living-undead vampire. According to further researches, Melissa was bitten when she was only a child. But the venom wasn’t too powerful, triggered only on the eve of her sixteenth birthday which she failed to keep track of, as you can see with the way she writes her journal entries. After twenty-four hours of the First human-to-vampire change in history, Melissa woke up to a silent household. She had killed her family in her thirst for first blood. ---------------------------- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=History%20of%20the%20School&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=20&style_color=EDC9AF[/img][/center] --------------------------------- A hundred years after the First Turn, Melissa, who had inherited her Uncle Vladmir’s property in Russia, established it, a castle-like building outside civilization, into a school for vampires and called it St. Vladmir’s Academy. Today, we remember Melissa as our Founder and our Mother. She invited, saved, and Turned many fellow vampires around the world to her school, a sanctuary for vampires. She trained us to be disciplined and fair beings, living equally with the weaker races. She taught us how to control our cravings so we won’t turn into beings that we’ll regret in the future. ----------------------------------- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Rules&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=20&style_color=EDC9AF[/img] I make up the rules as the game goes on, so expect some changes.[/center] --------------------------------- [center][b][u]MAJOR SCHOOL RULES[/b][/u][/center] If you fail to obey any of these rules, strict and merciless punishments will await you. 1. No unpermitted drinking of blood from other students in the campus. 2. Should a fight arise, students are welcome to the Arena to deal with their anger privately. Students must be accompanied by one or more teacher/s. 3. No murdering. Harrassment must be kept to a minimum. 4. Rule number 3 is only inapplicable when in the Arena. 5. Humans are prohibited on campus. [center][u][b]MAJOR ARENA RULES[/u][/b][/center] 1. You may hurt each other in the goriest way possible. However, killing is not allowed. 2. All battles must be monitored by a teacher/s. 3. All students are welcome to watch the battle, so you must have a brave heart to face humiliation when you are defeated. However, backing out [i]before[/i] a fight is considerable. [center][u][b]RP RULES[/u][/b][/center] 1. No godmodding. 2. Be friendly. 3. Keep swearing to a minimum. 4. Posts must have a minimum of ten sentences and a maximum of eight paragraphs. Hey, if you’re as tired everyday as I am, reading more than eight is really hard. 5. Make sure that there are at least [b]three[/b] posts between your previous post before you post! 6. Character limit: two. If you want more than that (with a reasonable explanation, of course), PM me. 7. If you are inactive for a week, I will take your name down the character list. If this happens, you may reapply again after giving me your reason/s for absence via PM. 8. Have fun :) --------------------------- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=School%20Grounds%20and%20Floor%20Plans&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=20&style_color=EDC9AF[/img][/center] ---------------------------- [center][img] http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/1d742fe62584d7dcc84e228556816106/http://i668.photobucket.com/albums/vv44/lexic64/Anime%20guys/Fairytale%20rp/castle-1.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Ground Floor]-The following are located in front of the building: Garden – For long or short walks early in the morning (from 5 AM) and late at night (to 10 PM). Anywhere earlier or later than the set time will immediately be against the Minor School Rules (Oh, c’mon, we all know what they are, right?) Cafeteria Extension – When the seats are packed in the Cafeteria, students are permitted to take their lunch here. Anywhere else, however, is not allowed. Pool – Vampires do feel cold, so the swimming pool was set up outside where swimmers can swim even in winter (if the water doesn’t freeze up). -The following are located behind the building: Recreational Field – imagine it being a basketball field, soccer field, etc., rolled into one. [/hider] [hider=St. Lucia Bldg.] (On the picture) The building to your left is the St. Lucia Building, named after Vladmir’s stepsister who died a virgin giving her life for a vampire she loved. She now guards us even in the afterlife. Thus, it became the dorm building for the girls. First floor: Rooms A to E Second Floor: Rooms F to M Third Floor: Rooms N to U Tower: Rooms V to Z Each floor has a bathroom of their own. There are eight cubicles in all inside each of the bathrooms.[/hider] [hider=St. Nikolai Bldg.] (On the picture) The building to your right is the St. Nikolai Building, named after Melissa’s son. It is the dorm building for the boys. First floor: Rooms A to E Second Floor: Rooms F to M Third Floor: Rooms N to U Tower: Rooms V to Z Each floor has a bathroom of their own. There are eight cubicles in all inside each of the bathrooms.[/hider] [hider=Central Building] This building contains the following: -Cafeteria – We still eat food, but we drink a cup of blood a day. Any more could ruin our discipline to our thirst. -Kitchens -Dining Hall – used only on special occasions -Classrooms -Laboratories -Infirmary[/hider] ------------------------ [center][img] http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Activities&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=20&style_color=EDC9AF [/img][/center] --------------------- [I] You will be able to verify if you are accepted once you: (1) find your character on the character list; and (2) receive your class schedules. [/i] [hider=MAJOR CLASSES:] Mathematics Science History Health Control & Disciplinary[/hider] [hider=MINOR CLASSES:] [i] Hiring teachers! [/i] Guardian Combat Training Arts Music Physical Education Clubs Organizations[/hider] [center][b][u]Clubs[/u][/b][/center] [i]If you are interested in founding a club, you may do so. Just fill in the following and, if I add it to this list, it’s accepted[/i][/center] [hider=Club Form Skeleton][b]Name of Club: Name of founder: Moderator: Reason:[/b] [center][b][u]Organizations[/center][/u][/b] [hider=STUDENT BODY GOVERNMENT][i]You may join the SBG provided you are not a freshman. Other positions may be added/suggested.[/i] President: Keath Ross Vice President: --- Secretary: --- Treasurer: ---[/hider] [center][i]If you are interested in founding an organization, you may do so. Just fill in the following and, if I add it to this list, it’s accepted[/i][/center] [hider=Club Form Skeleton][b]Name of Organization: Name of founder: Moderator: Reason:[/b][/hider] ---------------------- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Character&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=20&style_color=EDC9AF[/img][/center] ---------------------- [hider=Types of Vampires]Moroi – a full-blooded vampire, the royal vampire. They can wield elemental magic (i.e. water, earth, air, fire). They have the choice of turning into a Strigoi. And it is the Academy’s duty to make sure that doesn’t happen. You have the privilege of owning a guaridian---someone who can protect you for the rest of your life. Dhampir – are half-Moroi, half-Dhampir. They are given the duty to protect the Moroi from any kinds of danger, typically from other Moroi or Strigoi. Sometimes a guardian Dhampir can even form a bond with her Moroi. Strigoi – the vampire outcasts. They are the vampires who’ve become blood whores, killers, and evil. They are vampires who are greedy for immortality and would do anything to stay immortal---and Moroi blood helps them with their goal; it gives the more power than an average vampire would have. Some Strigoi, specifically the Moroi who’ve turned Strigoi, are allowed to turn back to their original type. Once turned back, they are considered Changed and are put under a strict surpervision. NOTE: If you choose to be a Strigoi, you are not allowed in the campus.[/hider] [hider=Student CS Skeleton][b][u]Picture: Name: Age:[/b][/u] [i](from fifteen to twenty-three; in terms of vampire years)[/i] [u][b]Gender: Personality: Type: Elemental Magic:[/b][/u] [i](This is optional unless if you choose to be a Monoi. You can choose only ONE type of magic that is related to the four elements.)[/i] [u][b]Bond:[/b][/u] [i](if you are either a Moroi or Dhampir, you can formulate a bond with your characters or with other people’s characters. There’s no rush in choosing a bond. You can put “N/A” on this if you haven’t decided yet)[/i] [u][b]History: Others:[/b][/u][/hider] [hider=Teacher CS Skeleton][b][u]Picture: Name: Age:[/b][/u] [i](from twenty-five upwards; in terms of vampire years)[/i] [u][b]Gender: Personality: Type:[/u][/b] [i](must be Dhampir or Moroi)[/i] [u][b]Elemental Magic:[/u][/b] [i](This is optional unless if you choose to be a Monoi. You can choose only ONE type of magic that is related to the four elements.)[/i] [u][b]Bond:[/u][/b] [i](you can formulate a bond with your characters or with other people’s characters. There’s no rush in choosing a bond. You can put “N/A” on this if you haven’t decided yet)[/i] [u][b]History: Subject:[/b][/u][/hider] ------------------------- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Dorms%20and%20Accepted%20Characters&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=20&style_color=EDC9AF[/img][/center] --------------------------- [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28923/posts/ooc]Dorms[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28927/posts/ooc?page=1#post-829124]St. Vladmir’s Academy staff[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28929/posts/ooc?page=1#post-829206]St. Vladmir’s Academy students[/url] [/center]