[hider=My Character] [url=http://images4.fanpop.com/image/answers/266000/266738_1310208971451_354_500.jpg] [i][b]Name:[/b] Keath Ross [b]Age:[/b] Seventeen [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] She is hard to please and is always moody. However, this certain attitude doesn’t show above her quiet nature and expressionless face. She is friendly, yes, but doesn’t like entertaining other people much. Sometimes, she even tends to forget the names of people who don’t qualify to be her friends. [b]Type:[/b] Moroi [b]Elemental Magic:[/b] Fire [b]Bond:[/b] N/A [b]History:[/b] When she was little, she watched her parents turn to Strigoi. She wasn't aware then what dangers they pose to her. They still moved like regular vampires, but their eyes were reddish and they carried a greedy and dreamy-like look on their faces. They knew she was there, but no amount of vulnerability made them turn her into one of them. They waited for the moment she could decide for herself. Or maybe they were waiting for her to get stronger. Then, one night, Dhampirs trespassed into their home to rescue her. She watched as her parents---but they probably didn't exist anymore---were killed by a stake through their hearts. They smuggled her out of the house, to be taken into care in the Academy. Since then, Keath had a developed a sense of hatred, anger, against the world, the Dhampirs, and the Strigoi. [b]Others:[/b] Her bossy- and leader-like attitude is what earned her a place in the Student Council. She is trusted very much by her clique, but she doesn't trust them. [/i][/hider]