Why, hello there! Before anything else, I'm going to admit this: I suck at introductions. Really, let me do anything but introductions. Please bear with me, I'll try to introduce myself as legitimate as possible. Ehem. I'm Koala Trevor (or Trevor [Trev works too]). Although I'm not new to RPing, this is my first time here. I didn't not like my previous RP site, in fact I loved the community like a second family. I just wanted a new environment, new faces, new roleplaying styles. Like a rebellious teen, I'm [i]experimenting[/i], so to speak. I'm very friendly, I don't bite (not hard anyway), and I try my best not to be rude or vulgar to anyone. You can treat me as a little brother or something like that, I'm only 16 for *beep* sake. Sorry. Right, so RP genres. I'm up to anything, be it sci-fi, fantasy, anime, you name it. I'm also into weird stuff, if you're curious. Probably not. Out of no reason, I never RP as a woman. I'm not sexist, I just find it weird being another gender, when I have never been and will never be one. You know, having rack attacks, calm the calamity in your mammary, hakuna your tatas? Yeah... ignore that. Like I said, I'm trying to be as legit as possible. Hm, what else? I like pets. Currently, I have none in our house, although I would love to have a cat or a dog, and name them Rubber. If you pet lovers out there pity me, I will not hesitate to adopt one. Promise, I'm gentle and loving and all that rainbow stuff. I also like gaming, just find me on PS3 and I'll gladly play with you! I love anime, I've watched more than I can remember, and my group of friends are anime lovers. You can call me nerd but that's what I am. Out of the nerd-closet! Yeah, so I think this introduction is a little bit weird and all over the place. I told you, I'm not good at this! Oh, you love that Sasuke avatar and sig? I love you too <3