"Charge straight in and deal with the problem, huh?" Angelica asked, kind of astonished at the brutal tactic being used. Well, it was a Hibari, it's not like he was going to pull off some kind of epic acrobatic stunt - he was out for blood from the very moment this fight began. Not that Angel really cared how threatening he was - this was such a perfect opportunity... She cracked the whip, making it glow purple and grow a few extra lashes before flinging them at Koichi's legs. The aim here was to get ahold of him, and launch him straight at herself with a very odd degree of strength for the slim-built and short girl. If it worked, she had a simple goal: introducing Koichi to her fist while he was helpless, tied up in mid air. If it didn't work, she'd just have to try something else... ---------- Kaoru shrugged at the questions asked by the CEDEF's young boss, watching the two with a not-so-interested smile, "Who I am: doesn't matter all that much! Why should you give a shit: we're enemies, and I kinda feel inclined to turn you guys into ash~" Ruby's eye twitched, "I'm [I]definitely[/I] going to cut his head off," she asserted. She punched the CEDEF Storm Ring into a decorated box on her belt with the Vongola crest on it and out seeped red flames that eventually became a falcon. The various troops standing around waiting for the fiery-haired man's command began visibly preparing for combat, as did Leo's pink-haired subordinate, tossing and twirling her blade around skillfully. ---------- The beast let out a fearsome roar, spreading storm flames from it's mouth to destroy many of the smaller spiders before they got close. It then dived to one side to avoid getting bitten by the larger spider, using it's momentum to suddenly break into a charge at Hinata and Ami. The frightened girl gripped around her best pal's chest in the worry that this was the end for both of them, not taking in the fact that she might be restricting his movement, "Goodbye Hinata!" she cried as the sabertooth started to circle them. There was no chance Ami was going to make a run for it, not with this thing chasing - it was just too damn fast... Romario flinched as the arrow blazed past his head, narrowly avoiding getting stuck by the projectile. He drew a long revolver and took aim at the Varia woman, "...Bitch! That almost killed me!" he yelled before beginning to unload in her general direction in rage. Every bullet was coated heavily in storm flames, the man's resolve evidently being equivalent to how pissed off he was!