Honestly, I'm still not that happy about it, but I suppose I can change it before we actually start posting. You guys can also point out any glaring errors.... Although, seriously, where'd all the interest check people go? ------------------- [url=http://dreamself.me/d/ko9Y]Appearance[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Alex Garnet [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Biologically male; identifies as female. [b]Birthday[/b]: Winter 5 [b]Role[/b]: Bartender [b]Likes[/b]: - Alcohol, and making drinks. - Dresses, and clothing in general. - People – but is less-than-stellar at actually dealing with them. - Ice-cream, pizza, and pudding. And horror novels, for some reason. And flowers. Horror novels with flowers. [b]Dislikes[/b]: - Sarcasm. The fact it often has to be pointed out to her when someone’s being sarcastic just annoys her. - Getting up early. Her job description thankfully does not entail it. - Heat, and any building without working air-conditioning when in said heat. [b]Personality[/b]: Alex tries her hardest to be a social and outgoing person, but she always found that she was never that brilliant at it. Inherently introverted, reserved and awkward, Alex forces out a façade of enthusiasm so as to fit more with her chosen profession – something which many can easily see through. She can also come off as oblivious and incredibly dense depending on the situation, especially towards the subject of romance or concerning more subtle social cues, and often has immense trouble detecting sarcasm. Regardless, Alex has an innate curiosity and determination to develop better people skills, but often has difficulty speaking up against others, and never vocalises when she think somebody else is wrong. Nonetheless, while she often has trouble properly expressing herself to others, Alex is sweet and genuinely good-natured, and holding most people and their company in high-regard. [b]Background[/b]: Originally living in a much larger town further away from Lily of the Valley, Alex grew up in a rich household with two parents who had a natural distrust of the school system, and was thus home-schooled by a hired teacher. This was not the cause of her lack of social graces – as she was not kept locked up in a house for all of her childhood, and her parents gave her plenty of opportunities to attend town events and clubs. Rather, she never made many friends due to her naturally feminine appearance and proclivity for both wearing girl’s clothing and tendency to play with dolls – male children either thought she really was a girl and just lying about her gender, or thought it bizarre and kept away from her; whilst female ones were similarly weirded out. She only started fully identifying as female in her teenage years, as she found she was never comfortable being classified as male, and preferred it if people did not actually know her biological gender. However, by this point she had never been able to make any real friends, and thus her social skills were severely limited. When she turned 15, she and her family moved from their town to the quieter Lily Town, her parents citing a need for a change of pace, and currently lives in one of the larger houses in the town. Alex always had an interest in drinks to the point where she had probably tried every non-alcoholic drink ever made from before she turned 18, and had a lot of fun mixing them. This went to the point where her parents were worried that she would become an alcoholic upon turning 18 – as no drink would escape her thirsty clutches. Fortunately, this was not the case, but she did start taking a bartending course after finishing her schooling, and applied to the town’s bar. It took a while, but she managed to get a position as a bartender – wherein she found that there was a lot more to bartending than pouring drinks. It requires strong people skills, amiability and charisma, all qualities that she found she lacked. However, determined to stick with her chosen profession, she tries to teach herself the many intricacies of dealing with people. [b]Skills[/b]: - An adept bartender, with knowledge of many different drinks. The social side of bartending, not so much. - A decent memory. [b]Relationships[/b]: - [i]Elizabeth 'Eli' Stern[/i] (does not know her name yet): Alex has set herself the challenge of walking up to this girl and being able to hold an actual conversation with her, something she would currently be far too terrified of to actually do. Even if it's just a short conversation, she'd probably think it a decent development to her social skills, due to her apparent mysteriousness adding to her being fairly unapproachable -- at least, to her she seems that way. - [i]Everett Micheals[/i]: Alex gets on rather well with Everett, mainly due to the man's nigh indiscriminate kindness and calming aura. He has the strange ability to reduce any stress she might get from talking with people, so she immensely appreciates his presence during a busy part of day. However, his intelligence often daunts Alex, and despite his lack of egotism, sometimes makes her feel lacking in worth. Also, she'd never say it, but she finds him [i]really[/i] attractive. - [i]Gaku Yamamoto[/i]: They met each other when the man worked for the bar for a bit, but outside of that he doesn't really go to the bar, and she can't really muster up the courage to talk to him on the street. The only real conversation they've had was about work, so she doesn't really know him that well. - [i]Henry Manteel[/i]: Alex doesn't know him very well, as he hasn't been in town long. Her reactions to him have been fairly positive so far, though. - [i]Isabelle 'Izzie' McKenzie[/I]: Alex, upon first meeting Izzie, genuinely thought her gibes and pranks were out of genuine malice, and her first encounters with the girl was of high distress -- she didn't take the hint with the girl's constant smiling and enthusiasm. However, it was quickly pointed out to her that she wasn't being sincere, and Alex promptly apologized for taking her so seriously. Aside from Alex's often oblivious attitude to Izzie teasing her, Alex enjoys her company immensely and admires people skills, hoping to learn a few things from her. She also thinks that she's very pretty... but that's a different matter. - [i]Isis Thorne[/i]: From the times that they have talked, they got on rather well, and the fact that she owns a flower shop means that she usually sees her quite a bit. However, friendly as they as, they are not particularly close, although Alex finds the woman's ability to stay smiling no matter what the situation is rather refreshing. - [I]Rosemary Bates[/I]: [b]Other[/b]: Her voice is very androgynous.