It works, and Hope seems quite satisfied sharing pictures of beetles and strange shapes she'd discovered in her travels through this universe. While her idea of what is interesting is like that of a child's, this does tell you one important thing. In the many years she has been traveling around this universe, she has never, even once, left this place, seemingly lacking the ability to travel to other dimensions, unaware of their existence. You feel an odd block in her mind as you think about this, which draws your attention to several more, presumably a few remaining security measures left by the Spiral Empire. ((You probably know her backstory by now, but I'm not posting that again, it's in her CS)) ----- Lilith sneers at the arrival of the Chaos Goddess. Good lord. Once more, she found herself facing a force far stronger than her own, although this one seemed to be quite a lot less evil than Unicron. Then again, that probably wasn't a good thing at this point, as Lilith believed it might 'get ugly'. She wasn't going to turn tail again, that she knew for sure, instead she'd have to beat this being somehow. "I've never killed a God before. I wonder what that's like." Focusing her power into Exodus, Lilith grins, as she jumps forward, rapidly slashing towards Eris.