Oh, I build model aircraft - by which I mean, I buy model aircraft kits and then add scratch-built and chopped-and-changed components from other kits to make them resemble the ones in the novel I'm writing. So, they're fictional variants of real-world aircraft. I'm writing a long-term story around a group of characters and a setting I've had kicking around for years, and it's kind of a work in progress. I chip away at it, but I always find I never have as much time to work on it as I'd like, but it's always there in the back of my mind. Horse-riding sounds cool. I've never had the opportunity to try it so far, but I'd like to. I like animals, and I like horses as well. My GF used to do a lot of riding, apparently, but she took a bad fall and has never really done as much since, but she's said she'll take me some time. And I sympathise about the weather, too - I was lucky and didn't get hit by the rain when I was out and about on Saturday morning, but it's been pretty miserable since then. I was lucky not to get wet again today. I'll post the sheet for my robot shortly!