Ryan and Takiko soon started taking the dead weight man upstairs. He held the feet, which meant that he had the easier job, because he did not have to look behind himself constantly. However, the weight was the same on both ends and he needed to muster all of his strength to even lift him up. Surprisingly, holding and taking him was slightly easier, but he knew he won't be able to hold on for too long. They moved slowly, but surely, step by step up the stairs. As he expected, the man felt heavier with every step they made and his arms started aching after the first set of stairs as well. Fortunately, they reached the hallway quick enough. They carefully put the guy down and took a short break. Ryan let out a relieved [i]"Phew"[/i], even though he knew it wasn't over. While his companion was busy with her hair, he did a few swings with his arms to make sure they won't cramp nor ache too much when they get upstairs. After two minutes or so, they continued the process and reached the ground floor, where Takiko said that the room to the right should suffice for the man. That was practically the only room in the house with a wide enough bed and even that was poorly equipped, he remembered. They slowly put down the guy on the bed, finally getting rid of the heavy "cargo". The girl quickly sat down on the bed looking very exhausted and Ryan was soon to follow. [i]"Oh gosh...Finally."[/i] he sighed. He thought about the possibility of those creatures suddenly breaking in the house when they were the weakest and sure preys, but he quickly chased away these thoughts. Takiko suddenly stood up and went away saying she will grab her stuff, leaving him with the - still unconscious and unknown- man. He took a closer look and made sure he was still breathing and had a close-to-healthy pulse as well. After that he looked out on the window, just above the bed. He saw two creatures outside, but to his biggest relief, they were just walking around aimlessly and soon disappearing from sight. Ryan had the quirk of staring seemingly purposelessly out in the infinite, getting deep in his thoughts and it was the case this time too, as he didn't even notice her coming back. When he finally came back to reality he noticed that she had several scrathes and wounds on herself as well. Healing someone else is one thing, but healing yourself is a lot harder and that's why he decided he will do something useful as well: [i]"This day is coming close to an end. I'll look through the house for some possibly useful supplies, okay? I saw a thing or two we might need when I first came here."[/i] he said as he grabbed his flashlight.