"Oh, please, like you really care," Came Fitch's reply to suto's complaints on the girls not chastising Kenshin. he watched as Luna snapped to Suto and Yari worked to resolve everything. She had such a strong air about her and he'd never seen a room that she couldn't calm by just being herself. It was one of the many things he loved about her. The boy rose to his feet and opened his window without much to say, scrolling through it. Soon, his jacket and other articles were replaced with armour that was a basic steel, appearing heavier than Yari's, and his shield materialized on his back. It was a tower-style shield, but it was smaller than Fitch himself, as it was low-level. He looked to Luna and shrugged, "Hopeless? Nah... He's just Suto," he replied with a small smirk. He could tell that the other two were tired, but he could go all day... There was something about the thrill of the battle that just drove him to keep going. In Aincrad, he could be somebody more than just Alex. "The field boss shouldn't prove too problematic... It'll be like the last few we've seen, we just need our numbers and a strong defense at the front. It's all about biding our time; we'll be fine. This isn't the time to get worried - if you start to choke now, then we won't make it halfway to the Red Palace, alright?" He said firmly; his voice didn't waiver or fault under the weight of his words, which could be taken far more seriously than he'd really meant them to be. Yari patted his back and laughed, "But don't be too stressed guys... After all, we came to Aincrad for a bit of fun... and while things aren't... erm... [i]ideal[/i] right now, it's important that we just keep moving, okay?" With that, the girl smiled brightly, "Now, let's get this adventure rolling, okay? Business as usual." Fitch was close beside her as they started for the gates of the city, both having disregarded Suto's and Kenshin's possible tiredness. After all, if one was going to go and get in extra training early, it would be pointless if they didn't use the extra time properly. Fitch, however, didn't seem fazed at all by the time they'd spent out in the fields. But he'd been going his own way for a while too; while he wouldn't leave the group behind, he would certainly work his safety margin up. Though there was little time he had to himself, as he and Yari would take any chance they had to spend time with each other. The group departed for the surrounding jungle of the floor, which composed a large portion of the terrain. There were multpile cities, but the teleport center in Caldwell would get them rather close to the meeting place without much issue, and the mobs were balanced throughout the floor. There was a wide variety of basic monsters in the jungle, from people-sized snakes to primates and large amphibious creatures. Fitch drew his blade and shield once they were officially beyond the city's entrance and diverting from the pre-placed paths in the jungle, where the fights would be a little bit harder with better spoils and more privacy. "Hope everybody is awake again, because we're going to be here a while," Yari said with a smirk, readying her spear as their training was prepared to commence. "Don't leave the group without taking somebody with you - we don't want to make this a dangerous trip out," the girl reminded them politely. Fitch was already focused; he was almost always in a state of concentration... on [i]something[/i].