I've designed a D&D 4e campaign that I want to have last for the duration of my summer break (May 10th through August 10th). The environment is action based, but priority is story telling. The plot grows gradually darker as players progress, and is based around genocide, the construction of an empire, and political corruption. Magic users are the targets for the genocide. It's not anchored down to one nation. It encompasses an entire world, and so the players will encounter a large variety of cultures. The canon D&D deities will not be used. Despite magi being the primary genocidal targets, players will still be allowed to play them (and are encouraged to make sure their group has at least two or three magi). All compatible player handbooks for 4e are accepted. I will review all sheets to make sure I can adjust encounters accordingly, but keep in mind that there are probably some classes I won't allow depending on whether or not I think they fit within my setting. It'd be a great experience for the players. They will start off as members to a rebel faction against a monarchy, but will progress within the plot away from the faction so they may focus on the bigger picture of the RP. The players will be accompanied by myself, who will be playing an NPC who is a plot tool for the RP. If you have any interest, just post here. You can make your sheets and leave them here too if you want, or PM me them. I'll try to make the campaign's play times based around everyone's schedules. I will also release the mechanics I plan to use for the gameplay once we're all set to kick it all off.