Tony arched an eyebrow, flashing a wide, and fake, grin in the direction of all of the SHIELD agents before walking behind the bar and facing Clint. "Fury always thinks I'm up to something," Tony waved a hand as if to brush away that notion that was up to something. Him? No, never. "I'm quite flattered that he is personally concerned about what little ol me is doing." He smirked slightly, watching Clint and the other agents carefully. He had made sure to shut the door to Loki's room... He just hoped they didn't decided to go in there. He would rather get them out without them knowing that Loki was in the tower. That would make everything so much easier. For him and Loki. And SHIELD wouldn't have to deal with any trouble... So everyone would be happy! That would definitely be the perfect case scenario. "Would you like a drink, Clint?" He didn't even wait for an answer, which would probably be no, just filled a glass and held it out for his fellow avenger. "Okay, so let's get everything straight. Fury sent you over because he thought I was up for something. Well, I'm not up to anything. I am currently drinking, which is normal." He took a gulp. He should really stop. He had to look after Loki, he couldn't get a hangover. "And working on a new Iron Man suit. While drinking. Not up to anything." After all it was true. He was working on another Iron Man suit. He also happened to be looking after Loki at the same time. So he wasn't really up to something. He was just being a good, helpful citizen by bringing in someone who was ill. Just happened to be someone who had tried to take over the earth. Nothing major. He just hoped Loki could manage to keep quiet. He knew that the god was ill but a cough that could be heard... Well that would be a sure sign that Tony wasn't alone drinking and making Iron man suits. It would also be hard to cover up. He couldn't exactly say it was someone he had brought home who just happened to have a cough. Because if so he probably wouldn't have brought them home for the reasons that he normally brought people into his house. Anything, really, would be suspicious. Damn. He should not have phoned Fury. It wasn't like he had gotten Thor's location out of it anyway. So basically him phoning Fury had been completely useless and now here were SHIELD agents and Barton. He just had to get them out. "So, now that everything is sorted out how about you all head on your way and leave me to continue my work which you rudely interrupted." He glared at all of them, excluding Clint who he actually quite liked. He hoped their friendship would mean that they trusted Tony and didn't search the tower or anything. Though that would take them a bit of time. It was pretty big with quarters for all of the avengers if they were needed, and training rooms, and a dining room, and a smaller living room. Tony remembered when after the battle of New York, with everything sorted out the Avengers (minus Thor) sat down in front of the massive TV there and had a movie marathon. They ate a ton of junk food and popcorn. After that they, of course, went their separate ways. Tony did, actually, now that he thought about it missed them a bit. It had been nice to have them around.