Another one of Jorvan's aides intercepted the trio as they approached the tent, and greeted them with an answer. "Lo' there. I think we can work with that. Come with me to the training yard and I'll introduce you." Jorvan Ru'Cyphus was a tall, dark, burly man with a short beard, who stood amidst those practicing and being tested. As he was trying to mix and match for the next patrol, his aide waved him down and the soldier from the guild house strode forward to show him the documents. He blinked, as had his aide, upon seeing the minotaur and shook it off to welcome those who approached. "Well well, nice to have you with us. I don't think there will be many here who will get the best of you.. err.. Sharphorn... just be mindful that sneaking around may be part of the job, so I might suggest getting some camouflaged garb and paint your horns dark," he said, glancing from the documents to each of the trio. "Marksman Thorgili... one thing I'd be concerned about is that using a firearm might be a bit noisy and attract undue attention to you and your patrol. Unless you can somehow muffle it, I will have to suggest you use a bow or perhaps even a repeating crossbow, whatever you are more comfortable with." He then turned to Runa. "You seem to know about keeping a low profile, so I hope you do what you can to see some of that rub off on your companions." "In any case, feel free to pick up some of the wooden training weapons or work on the firing range, and measure yourselves against the others here. Try not to hurt anyone and perhaps before dinner, my aides and I will have an idea where you stand by comparison and how far afield you could be sent. If you prove yourselves as a unit and suitable for the more adept patrols, your compensation will improve, and you'll be joined with a few others versed in wilderness survival and tracking, as well as providing arcane and divine support." He sighed, and thanked them. "I suppose that's all for now and if things go smoothly, you might be sent on your way as soon as tonight."