"Probably for good reason." One of the SHIELD agents snapped. It was clear they didn't seem to trust Tony either. They could tell he was not going to tell them either way. SHIELD normally wanted to know everything. They just hoped that Clint would be able to get it out of him, But they were also aware that Tony didn't tell his friends some things as well. "Why do you need THor? " Clint asked "I mean hes probably busy in Asgard, He is unlikely to come unless there is danger here on earth?" He shook his head. He had to try and trust what Tony was saying. He knew that if Tony was found out to be lying, then they would both likely have alot of explaining to do. He didn't like SHIELD alot of the time, but it was hard just to get out when you had been there so many years. He knew leaving always made them even more suspicious of things. He looked around. Loki was laying there quietly. He didn't want anybody knowing that he was here, He was feeling very weak. The god was lucky he wasn't coughing right now, he was shaking and trying to get warm. Loki only hoped that he wouldn't vomit. He knew that was likley to have somebody notice the sound, he knew it would set him off coughing as well. The god was looking very weak. He just wanted his brother to come and comfort him. He knew Thor was good at that. He was thinking quietly to himself. He knew that everything would be ok. Clint was looking at him, he sighed deeply not wanting to do this "Alright Tony... I believe you," He whispered. He took the drink Tony offered him, he really needed to not be with SHIELD. He knew if anything went wrong it would put a strain on friendship. He also felt more loyal to the Avengers these days then SHIELD. The other agents seemed unsure but the headed off. Clint didn't leave as he waited to see if Tony would say good bye to him,