Sasha was thankful that she appeared to be the last person to join this small conversation group. She gave each of the other four a warm smile as they responded to her greeting, pleasantly surprised and thankful that they were all so polite. Sasha had noticed that some of those she had introduced herself too had been intimidated by her. [i]Why would they be intimidated by me?[/i], she thought. [i]I'm a goddess, but I'm harmless...[/i] By the time she exited her own thoughts, the deertaur and the normal-looking boy had left, so it was just the burly man, the fox woman and Sasha left in the group. The remaining group was discussing the forest, and Sasha heard Fredricka offer to show it to them. "That would be lovely," replied Sasha with a smile. Before she could say another word, a girl vaulted over all of them at great speed. Sasha first was impressed by the distance and speed the girl was carrying, and then wondered where she could possibly be going in such a hurry. The girl had ran in the direction Fredricka had seemed to be motioning to when discussing the forest. Confused, Sasha wondered whether or not to go after the girl to see where she was going, but as she caught a glimpse of the girl's dragon through a window she had an emotionally traumatic memory of a dragon and one of her Olympian generational siblings. She quickly turned her head away from the dragon and her acquintances, fighting back tears. She stood completely still with her eyes sealed shut for what seemed like an eternity to those watching. Finally she slowly lifted her head back up and opened her eyes, the tears completely gone but some sadness remaining. "Forgive me," she said simply.