CT-1379 turned towards the jedi and saluted. [b]"Tough, sir, but compared to our training this is a walk in the park, sir!"[/b] He responded as he passed the jedi. They were currently landing near a forward CP and their fast descent made Falcon feel funny inside. Once contact with the ground was established, the sidedoors swept open and several clones helped the jedi descend from the Larty, while others picked up ammo as reinforcements streamed in. He noticed that both of the other squad's segreants were missing, and that one of them also missed their corporal. [b]"Squad three, you're with us now."[/b] He ordered them as they replenished numbers. General Yoda gave him a quick nod and stepped off, entering another gunship, leaving this one under Kelim'tel's command. General Yoda would lead that squadron of gunships to clear the caverns around the area, including some rather desolate outposts around their target zone. The quick exchange of wounded men and fresh soldiers along with ammo and quick repairs to the Larty was over before they knew and once more the Larty was given the sign for take-off. The side-doors slammed thight, but left the visors open as to give the troops an idea of what was going on, and the ability to open fire on both sides of the gunship. Walking around the interior again as they gained altitude in the red Geonosian sky, he started explaining the last details of their mission. [b]"Allright Squads, our objective is to destroy the turbolaser defences around the Lucrehulk-Class Core Ships' landing locations that limit our Acclamator's from blasting them sky-high. Secondary objective is taking out the heavy FLAK in that area, so our Acclamators can deploy additional Larties and artillery to give them a run for their money in the factories."[/b] He said, and opened a hologram pad projecting a map that was drawn of the area by their Acclamator's targeting systems, showing all targets to be destroyed and their locations. [b]"Do note, that we also received notice that Count Dooku's craft was spotted travelling towards this base,[/b] He said, poiting one out relatively far away from the squadron of Lucrhulks, [b]", and that we might be redeployed to apprehend him. That'll be all, gents."[/b] He said, closing the hologram and grabbing hold of the cables above. They were about to enter contested zones of the planet's surface again, and things were about to get really rough.