"Oh yes, Fury has a good reason behind everything," Tony retorted, taking another drink. Tony did not like this agent one bit. Not that he liked any. Clint and Natasha were pretty much the exceptions. And Natasha could be rather scary at point... So Clint was definitely a better friend. But most SHIELD agents were douches. Tony didn't like SHIELD. It was a general opinion held by quite a few people. Tony wasn't sure how much any of the other avengers really liked SHIELD. Sure, it had been Fury who brought them together. But apart from that the links with SHIELD were tenuous. Sure, Tony had helped with some designs for new helicarriers. But that was in a moment of weakness and they weren't getting any more help from him. "Well, you know, I miss all you guys. Its kind of empty in the tower at the moment." He made an exaggerated sad face. "And Thor hasn't showed his face since the battle of New York. I mean, I know he's probably busy, but he did sign up for it. He needs to show every now and then. You know... We should organise a catch up. Party or something." Sly. Change the topic. He was good at making up reasons for everything and then changing the topic straight after. Boy was he brilliant at this. Clint was not going to suspect a thing. It wasn't like he was a trained agent or anything. Tony smiled with a nod at Clint's whisper. Good, good, that was everything sorted. "Send Fury my regards!" He called at the leaving agents, waiting to talk again to Clint. He wasn't sorry to see the back of them. Definitely not. They weren't very nice at all. "Thanks, Legolas, nice to know that someone still trusts me." He smiled, tilting his glass at Clint before taking another swig. "I mean how come everything I do is suspicious? Come on! I'm not that bad, am I." He pulled off a perfect puppy dog face before laughing. "Anyway, I'm sure you have plenty of things to be doing... Snooping into other peoples business for SHIELD and stuff." He shrugged slightly. "So yeah, thanks for trusting me. You need to remember to pop by again. Maybe bring Natasha and anyone else you can find. I'm serious about that reunion." And indeed he was. He did miss all the guys, the sort of fun they'd had taking over the world. It wasn't so bad with Loki here... Gave some company. Actually, maybe a reunion should be held off until everything was worked out with Loki. Good idea.