. . . Well, not even her, The Detective, could have seen that coming. Erika wasn't expecting Ange to get so worked up over that, even to the point of summoning Battler. Well, at least that meant she had the real Battler working for her. She would break his spirit in time, but now, it was to remind Yasu how much of an insignificant, worthless, pitiful, illusion of a witch that she is,. " Yasu-shwaaaaaaaaaaaaan, are you going to keep ignoring me~? We've been separated for far too long, and this is how you treat me~? You hurt me, you really do. " Erika gave one of her sadistic smiles, reveling in the thought of reducing Yasu to the tiniest speck in the entire kakera sea. That was all Erika wanted, the sight of Yasu breaking down. Her finally understanding her pitiful existence, and that she was far inferior to her, The Detecive, Erika Furudo. She had been to oblivion and back because of this person. Now was her time for revenge. " It is fine, I don't really care. I guess I could understand why you wouldn't want to talk with me. An Illusion of your intelligence probably doesn't understand what I'm saying. Nobody with half of a little gray cell would be able to make better mysteries than you. Why didn't you give it to the child, Maria was it? At least her mysteries would more entertaining to destroy, watching her hopes and dreams crumble before me once more. " This was fun, it really was. Hopefully, she would crumple with Erika's next line. " Oh, look, your precious Battler-kun has returned to you! Aren't you happy? The man you've waited over one thousand years for has returned to you! Sadly, your precious Battler-kun isn't here to rekindle your previous love. I'm not sure what Ange is planning to do with him, but I would say this in red if I could. Battler Ushiromiya won't have anything to do with you for as long as me and Ange are around to control his leash. Like I said before, his finger will have my ring on it once more. " Come on Yasu, break. Break to Erika Furudo, one who has violated many minds in her day. Let the girl who went on a murder spree because she couldn't go see a therapist break down once more. Let the girl who couldn't sort out her own head break down once more. Let the girl who even went to killing several of her lovers break down once more. Show your true colors as the frail illusion you are.