So I've had this idea knocking around in my head for a few years now, I've roleplayed it a couple of times with varying degrees of success but I would like to give it another try. I haven't decided whether this would be a one on one roleplay or a small group, I would prefer a small group but I've always had problems with people being unreliable. I'd like this to be an advanced roleplay, or at least high casual. Anyway, onto the idea. Basically this would be set in an alternative First World War era where there isn't a full scale war yet, it's more of a Cold War of sorts with two groups of alliances that are facing off against each other and vying for power and control. This would be centred around the Mediterranean Sea and the countries that surround it. Slavery still exists in this world and instead of there having been a scramble for Africa, the European nations have set up slaver states in North Africa which they finance to capture slaves from Central and South Africa. Slavery also exists in South America but is not as well established as African slavery, people are also known to be sold into slavery if they are captured in war. Slaves are transported from North Africa to Europe through the Mediterranean so there are massive amounts of wealth being transported through this area via large ships or zeppelins. With wealth comes crime. Pirates operate both on small boats and in bi-winged seaplanes. With the massive increase in military industry planes and other military goods are in plentiful supply and can be obtained relatively cheaply. Pirates raid ships and zeppelins to either steal or ransom cargo. It's a lucrative but dangerous career. The major European powers all have a naval and air presence in order to protect their interests. I have much more detailed stuff about the world and what the countries will be doing but I don't want to write it all out if nobody is interested. Our characters will be air pirates in bi-planed seaplanes, they will be one or two person crafts. I'm not going to be overbearing on the levels of historical accuracy in terms of technology but I would say that the planes are all biplanes without exception, they will be equipped with radios to allow out characters to interact while flying or else any flying segments would be very boring with our characters flying in silence. My own character will have previously been part of a famous (or infamous depending on the perspective) group of pirates called the Wolves of the Mediterranean who operated 6 years prior to the start of our game. He will have retired and settled down since then having become rich after one last heist/raid. His family will have been killed by men who were hunting him down which leads him to return to the skies to get revenge. Your characters can either be former members of the Wolves or just notable pilots in the area that join up, it's up to you. Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now and see if there's any interest and if so I'll organise putting up an OOC which I'll fill with much more details about the setting and the world so you can create your characters. Thanks for reading.