Otto was pleased that the drama that had occurred was done with. At least for now it was anyway. It had made things far tenser than he had hoped for them to be but at least everyone was pretty much calm now and things could progress once again rather than deteriorate. He looked over at Jade hoping his actions hadn't scared her too much but found himself receiving a smile. It was nice, beyond nice actually, he hadn't been smiled at in quite a while. It seemed like it had been forever. The simple and brief smile gave him a warm feeling in his chest, a very nice feeling but it was unfortunately cut short as he had to swerve to avoid a car and slammed into yet another rotter. The rotter’s had themselves a horrible way of dragging people back down to survival mode. “Come on Johnny, I know you're not cold hearted enough to have had your finger on the trigger... Anyway, yeah, that radio thing is a good idea. I'll go through them, hopefully we'll pick something up.” With that Otto began going through the radio channels, soon finding what they had all obviously hoped would be there. "Calling anyone who escaped from Camp Pendleton, any and all refugees on this frequency. We need to regroup. Get any weapons and supplies you can and meet up at, uh, head west towards the I-5. Where Las Pulgas Road meets the freeway. Over.” “Looks like we've found somewhere to head towards. We should be there in a few minutes, it's as good a place as any to think about what to do next. Safety in numbers and all that good stuff.” With that Otto sped up, soon arriving at the intended place where a military vehicle and the awesome looking muscle car he had seen smash through the rotter's earlier had already pulled up. Slowly pulling his own vehicle to a stop he stopped the engine and once again made sure his Glock was fully loaded and ready to fire. He then gently nudged Jade's shoulder, sadly trying to wake her from what he hoped was a nice escape. “We're here Jade. You guys, don't act aggressive, these people could be very desperate after what we all just went through and the last thing we need is to aggravate each other and cause more death. That said, desperation makes people dangerous so keep your eyes open, watch each others backs and if you think anyone is starting to lose control try to let us others know so we can help put a lid on it. Everything will be fine if we stick together.” With that said Otto got out of his vehicle and tucked his handgun into the front of his pants. He didn't want to be actually holding it around the others but he wanted to be able to get to it very quickly if he had a need to. Having done and said everything he could he walked towards what was now starting to become a convoy, pretty much just hoping to talk and figure something out. Most of the arrivals seemed to still be in their vehicles but one or two people had gotten out.