Lexie shook her head to the religious comment, "that i am not. But i do think that this is some government thing." After the broadcast came over the radio and the look of shock splayed across both of their faces, she saw the smoke rising above the trees. "This is really bad." As joe hit the brakes, she noticed the African American man stumble out onto the road, signaling them to stop. They both got out, hustling over to him. Joe was eager to find out what was going on while she gripped her pistol, staring at the wound on his neck. She placed her hand on Joe's arm, backing away from the soldier in case her was to turn at any second, she wanted to be ready to take him out. As Joe questioned Darryl about his brother, she was almost as happy as Joe was to find out that he was still alive and made it out of the camp. Joe grabbed her by the shoulders, which surprised her. "That's amazing news." She said smiling at him then looked to Darryl who was now holding his gun underneath his chin. They had managed to get a few feet away from him before he took his own life. She stared at the lifeless body on the ground. The scene didn't affect her, though. She pretty much just shook it off, which was scary to think about. As they got into the car and started to drive, Joe had mentioned her sister and how they forgot to ask. She took a deep breath and nodded, "I'm sure we will find her. Maybe she was with the survivors at the camp," she shrugged her shoulders, "or she could be somewhere.....wait..." Looking out the front window, she saw a familiar pink flannel shirt staggering through the grass ahead of them. "Stop the car." She instructed. Joe stopped the car and Lexie quickly got out. "Laney?!?" Running up to who she thought was her sister, she recongized the dyed blonde hair, black converse sneakers, that flannel shirt and ripped jeans but everything, from head to toe, was bloody. Clearing her throat, Lexie called again. "Laney?" Her voice shook as what once was Laney turned around. Lexie drew in a breath as Laney's face had decayed, her lips had been ripped off revealing only her, once, perfect teeth. "no...." Laney's left eye was hanging from its socket and her right foot was turned the opposite way. Laney snapped at her, stumbling to turn around and come after her. Lexie could hear the pleas of Joe for her to get back in the car, but she ignored them and let Laney approach her slowly, "Laney......Fuck...." A large lump had formed in her throat and she could feel her stomach begin to ache. She wanted to puke, cry and let Laney take her down but as Laney reached out to her, smacking her teeth at her, she raised her pistol and fired a single shot, the bullet hitting her sister right between the eyes. As Laney's body fell to the ground, so did Lexie.