Clint looked at him "I suppose, but I suppose with no major chaos we go back to our lives before and working, I hate SHIELD to be honest, Nick seems bothered by how close I am with Natasha and has her working with somebody else." He knew that SHEILD were now gone, but he didn't care if they heard him. MOst of them already knew how he felt. "But try leave and they are bound to get suspicious of me." He sighed in annoyance. He just couldn't help how he felt about Natasha. He narrowed his eyes. "Trouble? hah," He laughed when Tony said he didn't cause trouble "Well maybe not now, But I do know what you are like Tony, and both our butts are on the line if you are hiding anything , just remeber that." He was heading towards the door. He didn't know what kind of trouble they would be in. He just knew that both of them would be in trouble and have explaining to do "Will do, I know where Steve is, but Banner seems to have hidden away frome everybody again." he knew that Bruce Banner was just worried about hurting people. "See you." He headed out the door. Loki heard Clint was the only one left.. He knew Tony must trust him enough for Clint to not pry further when Tony said he wasn't up to anything. Loki hoped that was true. He heard Clint say he hated SHIELD and where some of the other Avengers were. He closed his eyes. He didn't want to be in trouble. The god was glad when Clint was leaving. He had nothing against him now really, expect that he was a direct link to SHIELD.