"Almost makes me wish for more chaos... Well not really, but it would bring us back together." Tony sighed slightly, tilting his head. "That's tough, buddy. I would give you some sage words of wisdom... But we all know how brilliant I am at those. Just wait for the right time to leave, I guess." It was quite obvious to everyone that Clint had feelings for Natasha, and probably vice versa... Although Natasha was a whole lot harder to read. But not letting them work together was stupid. They were a brilliant team, Tony knew that for a fact, and splitting them up wouldn't help SHIELD at all. "I'll remember, don't worry Legolas, your butt is safe," Tony replied. He wasn't going to let anyone find out about Loki being here until the god was better or Tony found Thor. Whichever happened first. "So he'll be difficult to find then... Shame, I got along with Bruce. But even if you can bring Steve when you return that would be great." He nodded with a grin. "Yeah, see you. Don't let SHIELD annoy you too much." He waited until Clint was definitely gone before heading over to the kitchen. Thankfully the water was still warm, actually just boiled, and he finished off all the prep. He decided to make two cups, because a little bit of tea wouldn't do him any harm. And if it was horrible he could at least drink it with Loki so he didn't feel left out drinking horrible tea that would help settle his stomach. "One tea, as promised!" Tony announced as he pushed open the door, practically waltzing into the room. He handed over Loki's cup of tea, sniffing at his own. "This doesn't smell too bad, I think I did a good job." He watched Loki, hoping he hadn't worried too much. He didn't need to feel worse. "Anywho, SHIELD is all taken care of. Thanks to my stunningly good looks and amazing charisma, of course. They stepped in and realised that there was no way such a beautiful man could cause any trouble." He grinned. Okay, maybe he had had a little too much to drink. But it was fine. He was only tipsy. It would wear off after a while. Hopefully it would let him sleep at night time when sleeping was actually supposed to take place. That would be good. A sudden torrential downpour began, rain lashing against the window of the room. Tony made a face. "Well, the weather has taken a turn for the worse."