Loki was glad Clint was gone. But he felt very unwell. Downright terrible really. He had been finding it hard to stay quiet. His body didn't want to let him. He was feeling rather miserable really. The god coughed and rolled on his side. Feeling this unwell was making him annoyed. He knew that he was worse from when he had got there. But he knew he needed Thor and that wasn't helping. He didn't want to admit that. He wondered if he ever would stop needing his older brother. He looked around when Tony entered the room. He was feeling rather weak and useless. "Thanks." He sits up. The god slowly drinks his tea. He finds it does infact taste good. He hadn't been sure if it would. Loki was shivering and moaning a bit. He was still finding it hard to keep his body warm. He was curled right up in his blankets. He coughed badly and maoned more. The god had a feeling Thor would find him soon enough. "SHEILD is a pain, I am surprised you got rid of them, Though heard Hawkeye, guessing he trusts you." He noticed the weather had gone bad as well. He didn;t like the look of it, he knew when there was thunder he hated it, because that sometimes singalled his brother. Maybe not such a bad thing right now. But he didn't look excited knowing he didn;t want to admit he needed Thor. "Yeah seems like."