"No problemo, Lokes," Tony grinned, sipping his own tea. Hey, tea wasn't too bad. He could get used to drinking this kind of stuff. It had taken a while to make though. And there was a weird after taste. Probably due to the fact he had drunk quite a bit of alcohol just before. Tea and what he had been drinking didn't go well together. Ah well. He didn't take long to finish the tea, taking Loki's cup off him before the god curled up again. His cough was sounding worse, and he just looked completely terrible. "Yeah, SHIELD are so annoying... It was mainly Clint, though. Said he trusted me... Made me feel all warm and gooey inside." Tony chuckled, shrugging. "It wasn't that hard, I just have to turn on the cute puppy dog face." He wasn't going to bother demonstrating. He bent over Loki slightly to get a better look at him. Checking up on him. There was a sudden thunder clash, followed by the shattering of clash. Tony cursed, turning to look out the open door of the room. "What the hell, I just fixed that window!" At least it wasn't him being thrown out of it this time... That had hurt like hell. All the glass shards and the chance of falling to his death. Turning into a Tony pancake. That would not have been a very nice experience. There was a flash of lighting, illuminating the tall and muscular figure that had crashed through the window. "Man of Iron, move away from my brother!" The voice practically boomed, hurrying into the room. Thor was, of course, unaffected by the rain that he himself had cause and as a result was perfectly dry. He had his hammer in one hand and seemed to be armoured as he practically rushed to his brother's side. He looked down at Loki and instantly worry shot through his gaze. "Loki, you are not well!" He narrowed his eyes slightly. His brother looked miserable. "It's okay, brother, I am here. Everything will be okay, I'll make you better." He spun around to face Tony, hammer pointed in his face. "What did you do to my brother, man of iron?!" "Whoa, calm down there big guy, I didn't do anything to your brother, believe me."