Kinn watches with mild interest as the man is helped out of the room by his servant. [i]'I will need to get a base line eventually as to how he functions so I can measure the improvements as they come'[/i] He slowly wanders around the room, his keen ears picking up the sounds from the bathing room helping him keep track of the progression of the cleansing. [i]'He made no offer for me to follow, so I will stay here for now'[/i] As he moves about the room he trails his fingers over various objects. The solid feeling of the world around him feeling a bit foreign after being asleep for so long. [i]'It is like learning to live again'[/i] His own thoughts make him smile slightly, his eyes trailing over the king's female servants. [i]'They are practiced in their duties, it seems he has a routine. This is good, structure is essential'[/i] When they finally finish with their task and come to a stop beside the bed he turns his attention back to his exploration of the room. A beautiful jade dragon statue causes him to pause in his slow wander. His fingers begin running across the entire figure, taking in as many details as he sensitive fingers can find. [i]'This is very old, it carries with it many memories'[/i] His smile returns for an instant before fading back to his normal cool indifference. He makes his way nearly to the same wall as the door to the washroom when a voice behind him draws his attention. His body freezes for a moment, his head tilting as he contemplates the question. [i]'How to answer. He and I have not discussed this. Is there an wrong answer? No. . . .I do not suppose for one so desperate as he that any land could be held as taboo to providing this kingdom with hope'[/i] Turning slowly, his robe swishing lightly against the floor with the motion. The servant visibly swallows as their eyes lock. His seem to glitter out of the darkness beneath his hood and the younger one returns her gaze to her feet. Attempting a light tone he replies, “I am from Terra Firma.” When she simply stares back at him he shakes his head. “It was a joke, the meaning of those words lost on you I suppose.” She nods slowly, a flush setting up in her cheeks. Looking towards the splashing sounds from the other room he lets out a sigh. “I am from a place you have never heard of, in a land you have never seen.” She nods once more, knowing better than to question any further. [i]'Indeed, she cares not where I am from. All the care she has in the matter is what I may do for her ruler'[/i] Looking once more about the room he lets the knowledge seeped into every crack and crevice sink into him, gaining knowledge in a way no human could think to comprehend as he waits for his ward to return.