[quote=NarayanK] Very, very, very strange. This CS was buried underneath our crazy antics, and I'd like to finally go over this one. (ty HylianRose for telling me about this CS)The way you described time-travelling is, by far, one of the stranger abilities I've seen in this roleplay. Of course, feedback is a drug that helps anyone.-I... am not sure what to think about her changing her past. Sure, I think it's acceptable for her to do so a few times in her life, but if she is able to change her own past fairly frequently (even around present time), then that means she somewhat capable of changing the pasts of others, making her pretty overpowered in a way. This is one of the few sketchy things I see in this CS. It's not specific enough- at least, not yet.-How is it revealed that the uncle knows about Keath's powers? Actually, does he still meet Keath when her father's friend takes her in?-Is time-travelling the only power she has? Powers are not limited to only supernatural abilities. Just pointing that out.-Her personality may not get many people to have their characters interact with Keath in some way, but judging by your schedule, it might seem to be a logical thing to give her that persona. This one's personally up to you for modifications if you want to.She's looking good! I just want more details, as well as some clarifications. [/quote] Updating my last CS will require going back 23 pages, so i will post my answer here. Considering that it is early in the morning here, I haven't taken my breakfast yet and it is affecting my brain. Thus, affecting my answers. I will reread this post after I eat :> -I think I've explained this part. She can only go back to the memories she knows. She cannot travel to one of your past (except if you've encountered her) because she cannot perceive them. And, anyway, she chooses not to time-travel, knowing she could change her life again if she does. What happened to her uncle was enough of a problem already, because she disturbed the scales in the past. -I just wanted that to be hidden in her "history". Not all of us reveals everything that has happened to their characters in the past, right? I hoped to reveal the reason during the game... that is how I play :) -Yup, it is. Again, this was supposed to be revealed in the game, but I will write it down now for you. Keath wasn't supposed to have powers---she was supposed to be a normal person. The accident awakened her powers inside her, it made her want to change the events, to bring her parents back to life. She couldn't, however, because she wasn't there at the accident. Even if she brought back time before that, her parents would no longer exist anymore. (Hold on, I got confused with my own explanation. Let me clarify things a bit: The accident only consisted of the car and her parents, right? They died, and bringing them back to life if considered a taboo. One of Keath's abilities doesn't involve bringing dead people back to life, so if she returned through time, they wouldn't be there anymore. Or, if they were, they would die the same death and Keath won't be able to do anything about it. OKAY?) Also, she was still a novice. If she used her ability, she could make horrible mistakes. The memory with her uncle only fueled her power, summoning up courage for her to travel back and make new choices. But that was the last time she had ever used her ability. And anyway, her power's no use most of the time. -My characters always reveal a small part of me. Keath is one of those parts. I guess I created her so I could really [b]be[/b] the character and be [b]in[/b] the game.